Makar Sankranti 2022: Date, Timing, Significance and 6 Festive Recipes You Can Make in 5 Minutes

The year 2022 has just started and we are preparing to celebrate the first few festivals on the new year calendar. In India, it is an auspicious time of the year as the nation gears up to mark Makar Sankranti in just a few days. One of the most widely celebrated festivals of the year, Makar Sankranti marks the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of the harvest season in India. This transition results in hot and long days, bringing an end to the cold and harsh winter season. It is also known as Maghi, Paush Sankranti or simply Sankranti in different parts of the country. The festival also sees a regional spin across India. In Punjab we celebrate Lohri, whereas in Assam this festival is called Magh Bihu. Tamil Nadu marks it as Pongal and Karnataka calls it Ugadi.

Makar Sankranti 2022: When is Makar Sankranti? Date and Date:

Every year, Makar Sankranti falls in the solar month of Makar and the lunar month of Magha. This is the reason why the festival is known as Magha Sankranti or Makar Sankranti. This year Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on 14 January 2022 (Friday).

Makar Sankranti Punya Kaal – 02:43 PM to 05:45 PM. Duration – 03 Hours 02 Minutes

Makar Sankranti Maha Punya Kaal – 02:43 PM to 04:28 PM | Duration – 01 hr 45 min

Makar Sankranti Moments – 02:43 PM


Read also: Makar Sankranti 2022: Celebrate the festival with these popular dishes

Makar Sankranti 2022: How the festival is celebrated in India:

As discussed earlier, Makar Sankranti is known as one of the most important festivals of the agriculture based country – India. If you explore, you will find different regions celebrating with different customs and customs. On this day people wake up early in the morning, take a dip in the holy Ganges and worship Lord Surya. Then we clean and decorate our homes to bring prosperity. Also, food plays a major role during Makar Sankranti. In Bengal, people make pitha-puli and payesh (kheer) with freshly harvested rice (notton chal), fresh jaggery (notton jaggery) and milk. In Maharashtra people make Puran Poil and Tilachi Laddu (Sesame Laddu) and distribute among friends and family. On the other hand, Makar Sankranti in Gujarat is all about flying colorful kites and enjoying delicacies made of sesame and jaggery. Khichdi (with freshly harvested rice and lentils) is prepared in parts of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Bihar to mark this auspicious day.

About Makar Sankranti Special Recipe: 6 festive dishes that can be made in 5 minutes:

As Makar Sankranti approaches, we have decided to bring you some delicious festive recipes that can be prepared in no time. These quick and easy festive recipes have been shared by food vlogger Parul on her YouTube channel ‘Cook with Parul’. let’s take a look:

1. Til Jaggery Chikki:

To make Til Jaggery Chikki, first dry roast the white sesame seeds and keep them aside. Then put the grated jaggery in a pan and cook till the jaggery becomes somewhat sticky. Then add roasted sesame seeds and mix. Lastly, spread the mixture on greased parchment paper and let it set.

2. Sesame Jaggery Ladoo:

Just like in Chikki, you have to roast the sesame seeds and then prepare the jaggery syrup. Then add sesame seeds to the jaggery syrup and mix everything well. Finally, switch off the gas and make small balls of the mixture.

3. Sweet Patties:

We have got a unique recipe that will add variety to your Makar Sankranti spread. This dish is called Sweet Patty. Here a soft dough is kneaded by mixing rice flour and flour in jaggery syrup. Shape these sweet patties and cover them well with sesame seeds. finally, fry these patties well and enjoy.

4. Til Coconut Barfi:

We love barfi, don’t we? Keeping in mind the popularity, here is a barfi recipe that we have included in your celebration. To start this dish, first roast the sesame seeds and grind them in half. Then heat the milk and add ground sesame to it and mix it well. Add cardamom powder to it and mix. Now add the rest of the roasted sesame seeds to this mixture. prepare soft dough; Make sure it is not sticky. Switch off the gas and take out the mixture in a tray. Garnish with pistachios and let it set. Cut the barfi and eat it.

5. Chumchum Gajak:

Love crunchy, sweet gajak? Presenting to you a unique Gajak recipe. It is made from sesame and jaggery. Both the ingredients are mixed together and then mixed in a kadhai to make a soft dough. Then keep this mixture on a tray like barfi and cut it into round shape. You can also garnish with pistachio slices.

6. Peanut Chikki:

Make jaggery syrup and add roasted peanuts to it. Spread it on a parchment paper and roll it flat. Cut it into small pieces and serve.

Watch the detailed recipe video here:

Read also: Lohri 2022: Date, Time, Significance, Customs and Festive Food

Try these recipes and make your festival a joyful one.

Happy Makar Sankranti 2022!
