Make Delicious Maharashtrian Dishes at Your Home with These 5 Veg Curries

What is the first thing that comes to mind as soon as one mentions Maharashtrian cuisine? Is it the famous Vada Pav, Pav Bhaji, Kothambir Vadi, or the spicy curry like Khandeshi Chicken and Kolhapuri Vegetables? Well, there are many things in this dish that we can’t seem to get enough of. The mix of sweet, tangy and pungent flavors of this region shows how versatile the food culture is in Maharashtra. And for you to get that Maharashtrian taste at your home, here we bring you some of the must-try vegetarian curries from the region. This veg curry is easy to make and everything is delicious. You can add these to rotis and salads and give a whole new taste to your family members! Check out the recipes below:

(Also read: Khandeshi Chicken, Kolhapuri Chicken and many moreagain)

Here are 5 vegetarian Maharashtrian curries

1. Kerry Amati

Keri Aamti or Kerichi Aamti is a great summer recipe that is our top recommendation! It is a rich, sweet and spicy gravy cooked with raw mango and spices that is served over steamed white rice. The pungent taste of raw mangoes is combined with spices to make a great flavour.

2. Bhari Wangli

Bharli Wangli is a popular way of preparing brinjal stuffed with coconut, onion, jaggery and Marathi goda masala. Bharli vangi is made in Konkani way, with the addition of roasted peanuts and fresh coriander leaves to the spice mix. This gives it a hearty flavor that will leave you wanting more.


3. Maharashtrian Style Kadhi

Kadhi is a popular North Indian dish. Each region has its own way of making Kadhi. Unlike the North Indian version, Maharashtrians generally keep the flavors mild. They use less spice and run out of dumplings as well. It takes only 20 minutes to cook this Kadhi recipe.

Maharashtrian Kadhi

4. Chawli Usali

Chawli is the Maharashtrian word for cowpea, or black-eyed beans, which is a common legume in Maharashtrian households. Chili powder, turmeric powder, goda masala or garam masala, grated coconut, unsweetened dry coconut and oil are used to make Chawli Usal.

5. Taktala Palki

Taktala Palak is a spinach dish cooked in buttermilk gravy. This simple, tangy curry is a delicious recipe for any day. This is a comforting recipe; That’s why many people cook it year round!

Make this delicious recipe today! Tell us which was your favorite in the comments below!