make it right

Here are some suggestions and amendments for BBMP Bye-laws 2020 by experts of ACCE (I).

* Keeping in view the building collapse and safety issues in recent times, NBC-2016 has made it mandatory for all types of buildings to include soil test reports including plan drawings, foundation and super structure drawings, service drawings. Have given.

* Involvement of appropriate professionals is not currently being implemented and therefore the bye-laws should be specific when assigning technical responsibilities. Such as: banning non-civil engineers from issuing sustainability certificates, banning non-technical personnel from building construction activities.

* NBC-2016 has gone ahead in specifying the appointment of suitable professionals during the process of obtaining a building permit by emphasizing on obtaining engagement certificates from professionals. The BBMP bye-laws have not yet recognized this important fact.

* The BBMP bye-laws have failed to recognize the profession of Civil Engineer/Structural Engineer/Geotechnical Engineer/PHE/Service Engineer. These businesses have to be accepted to be part of the building permit process.

* Bye-laws mainly focus on high-rise buildings. These types of buildings constitute only 1.6% of the total buildings in the country. When it comes to small buildings in G+4 and below, which account for 98.4% of the total buildings, the bylaws are silent on safety specifications. Example: The bye-laws emphasize earthquake resistant designs for tall buildings, while no such mandatory provision has been made for smaller buildings – such that small buildings will not be affected by earthquakes.

* The height of the basement/parking floor is ambiguously presented as 2.4 m in some places and 2.75 m in some others. 2.4m is impractical. Hence 2.75m should be adopted.

* Safety audit of buildings (structural/electrical/fire etc.) will be made mandatory every 5 years after the building’s life span of 20 years.

* There are issues with the approval process which are creating hurdles for the consultants. That’s what ironing has to do. Example: Monopoly of the software used. The bylaws insist on using expensive CAD software, although less expensive software is also available. Therefore the approval process should not entail the use of monopoly software.

* Tolerance limits for plot/building measurement shall be specified in the bye-laws, so as to avoid harassment to the citizens.