Make this Healthy Paneer Pizza to fulfill your desire to lose weight

The hardest part about dieting is resisting the urge to dig into our favorite indulgent foods. The very idea of ​​abstaining from pizza, burgers and pasta bothers us, and sometimes, prevents us from dieting in the first place. Losing weight is essential not only to lose extra weight, but also to stay healthy and fit. So, don’t let your unreasonable craving get in the way. Instead, embark on the weight loss journey without compromising on both your taste and health. How? Make healthier versions of your favorite foods.

We have a recipe that fits the bill. If you didn’t know it already, Pizza can be healthy too, It’s the way you make it and the ingredients you use. This cheesy pizza recipe, in particular, is so healthy and delicious that you’ll try it completely guilt-free on your weight loss diet.

Wheat Flour Pizza Base Refined flour replaces the base, paneer (paneer) replaces processed cheese, and olive oil replaces butter. With all the healthy and favorite ingredients, now enjoy your favorite dishes without counting calories.

(Also read: 7 desi style pizza recipes that will blow your mind,

Make healthy pizza with healthy pizza base.

Paneer Pizza Recipe How to make healthy Paneer Pizza at home:

For the full recipe for Healthy Cheese Pizza, click here.

First make pizza sauce in olive oil with tomatoes, garlic, basil leaves and Italian seasonings. Then smear the pizza base with sauce and top it with onion, capsicum, tomato and olive. Grate a piece of cheese around it and bake it in the oven or cook it covered in a pan.

Easy! Is not it?

Next time, that recurring pizza craving haunts you and you look at the weighing scale in despair, stop there. Pick up this recipe and indulge yourself, because you deserve it.

About Neha GroverHis love for reading aroused his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading as she sips coffee.