Making a Case for Side Hustling

It’s time for companies to stop their employees from holding multiple jobs

Piyush, 32, works in an IT start-up in Bangalore. He teaches data science on an online platform on weekends, and is also working independently on AI initiatives with a team of developers. His typical workday includes going to the office from 9 am to 6 pm, going to the gym and then working on his own initiative after dinner from 10 pm to 12 pm. His life in a calm tone with some friends in the office. When a senior leader hears rumours, she avoids talking to Piyush as he is a good worker and doesn’t want to lose him.

Like Piyush, there is a trend among employees to hold multiple jobs as moonlight, i.e., taking up freelance projects or working on a part-time basis or starting an entrepreneurial venture while working a full-time day job. In a survey we conducted, we found that over 45% of respondents had either engaged in side hustling themselves or knew someone who was hustling. However, leaders of traditional organizations either turn a blind eye to this or stop negotiating with employees in line with signed contracts.

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perceptions and reality

Organizations have generally assumed that activities outside of work can deplete personal resources, resulting in poor performance at work. Thus, they prohibit employees from side hustling. Engaging in any other payment activity is viewed as a distraction, breach of contract and leading to a potential conflict of interest. It is common for organizations to have clauses in their employment contracts that restrict or restrict secondary sources of income.

Organizations believe that the side hustle is an attempt to make more money. However, when we asked side hustlers about their motivations for holding multiple jobs, their reasons ranged from seeking creative outlets to learning new skills to escape the mundane of their day jobs. It would be safe to say that the major drivers are the non-economic benefits that their full-time job is unable to meet. Most people also saw side jobs as something that helped them to be more motivated in their core tasks. He saw his side as an investment in his own career and life, as a path to his next change in job, and as security in case of difficulty in organization. Many talked about other benefits: They said the side job was a stress buster, increased their self-esteem and confidence, and helped them make good use of their free time.

Conflicting perceptions of organizations and employees and acceptance of the current context, where organizations are unable to promise lifelong employment, and the ubiquity of gig work, when combined with this, require organizations not to view this as a zero-sum game. need has been highlighted. , Having multiple jobs can lead to positive spillover potential from one domain to another. For example, advanced skills can be transferred on the job through side projects, which can lead to better performance on the job; Or a happy employee is likely to be more productive than one who is stuck in restrictive work contracts.

Rather than looking the other way around what employees do outside the organization or enforcing old contracts and rules, it would be better for organizations to adapt to make the most of the current reality. Thus it may be wise for organizations and leaders to recognize their limitations in meeting all aspects of an employee’s needs. Denying employees’ requests to engage in side activities can leave them dissatisfied and unhappy, resulting in less commitment and engagement at work.

people with diverse needs

Companies need to recognize that they are not employee owners. It is best to accept that employees are not only employees but individuals with diverse needs, motivations, aspirations and interests. Rather than creating a system where employees are forced to hide everything they do in their spare time, perhaps it might be more appropriate to create a psychologically safe environment. Then, it would be possible to accept that the organization’s boundary conditions need to be met when their other functions accept them. Organizations can set limits around the use of company resources and proprietary information and the time committed to the organization. Such companies will have an edge over others. It is time to recognize that opportunities for employees to pursue their passions or build diverse skill sets not only put the whole person and organization back on them to manage their career and life but also leaves the employee with little agency. Is.

Chayanika Bhayana Ph.D. Scholar, IIM Ahmedabad and Neharika Vohra is the Vice Chancellor of Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University.
