Malaika Arora’s fitness trainer recommends effective yoga asanas to stop snoring

The thought of getting a restful night’s sleep and waking up in the morning feeling mindful is refreshing. However, snoring is one of the main reasons why many people may be deprived of this basic human pleasure. Snoring disrupts sleep, whether it’s caused by you or someone sleeping next to you, leaving you tired and less rested. Many factors can contribute to snoring, such as stress, obesity, smoking, sinus problems, circulatory problems, poor diet, large tongue or tonsils, and aging. This causes lack of sleep, which further causes drowsiness, sore throat, higher risk of heart disease, low libido and lack of concentration in the individual.

Malaika Arora’s fitness trainer Sarvesh Shashi shared a video on his Instagram handle, in which he discussed the problems caused by snoring. “Snoring occurs when the airflow to your dander becomes restricted,” he said. He also said that snoring can disturb not only your sleep but also the person sleeping next to you.

Captioning the post, he wrote, “Snoring can affect not only your quality of sleep but also your bed partner. Work on the quality of your breathing and control your snoring with these simple exercises.” Hence, to overcome this issue, Sarvesh shares three simple yoga exercises, effective pranayama and asanas that will help you breathe easy can help you manage your lifestyle issues.

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

This asana requires the practitioner to lie on his stomach, with his feet hip-width apart and his arms at his sides. By bending the knees, hands should be taken backwards and hold the ankles. Inhaling, lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and back. One should maintain a stable posture while paying attention to one’s breathing. With a body curved and taut like a bow. Deep breaths are taken. After exhaling for 15-20 seconds, the feet and chest come to the ground.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

This asana is done by kneeling down and leaning back so that the hips rest on the heels. Keeping the palms facing upwards in the middle of the knees, spread the fingers. Lean forward while tilting your head back and take big, slow breaths through your nose. Breathe in for a few seconds, then open your mouth and stick out your tongue before exhaling forcefully.

Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Pranayama)

In the asana the ears are closed with the thumbs while the forefinger is placed on the forehead and the other three fingers are placed at the base of the nose, gently touching the eyes. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds, before exhaling forcefully through the nostrils with a bee-like buzzing/buzzing sound. This inhalation/exhalation should be done with as little abdominal movement as possible from the lungs. According to the National Library of Medicine, it started with 10-12 repetitions and gradually increased to 25-30 repetitions.

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