Malaika Arora’s gym accessory has many benefits. You can try them too!

age is just a number and Malaika Arora There is a perfect synonym for this proverb. Malaika, though in her late 40s can easily be mistaken for someone in her 20s or 30s. Model and celebrity Malaika is one of the fittest stars in the industry and has always given fitness goals to her fans and followers on social media.

However, his fitness secrets are very simple. The 47-year-old, who is often clicked near his gym, was recently seen wearing a fitness accessory which helps in burning calories even after the workout session is over.

She was seen wearing an orange sports bra paired with matching track pants in a chic look as usual. However, fitness enthusiasts on the internet had their eyes on a set of ankle weights on their feet. It is a fitness accessory that gets talked about a lot. Many celebrities wear it, and fitness experts say that wearing such weights can go a long way in weight loss.

Here’s how it can help with weight loss.

What are these ankle weights?

Ankle weights are another type of fitness equipment used by fitness enthusiasts and most athletes to burn calories after a workout session. With similar characteristics, another type of equipment that helps in the same way is the weighted vest.

While these accessories and fitness equipment certainly go a long way in burning fat and calories, experts also say that adding weights to your daily workout can also provide the benefits of strength training and cardio all at once. This also means that you get almost twice the results in a single workout session.

These fitness equipment can also be added while doing basic exercises or home workouts to increase the intensity and results, which in turn gives a better result.

How does it help in weight loss?

While the device continues the process of burning calories, it also accelerates the metabolic rate of any activity, that is, it increases the actual amount of energy consumed during an exercise or activity. While it is important to burn more calories (use more energy) than you normally consume to lose weight, adding ankle weights or other weighted vests during regular workout sessions can enhance results and generally Helps burn more calories than expected.

These ankle weights that are tied onto the body can make the muscles in any exercise routine work harder than usual. When done correctly and consistently, one can tone up faster and better and also burn calories more efficiently.

Which exercise is best?

According to reports, it is well understood that most basic workouts can be fueled by the use of these ankle weights. Reportedly, some of the best benefits are seen when a person uses these ankle weights while performing normal cardio-aerobic activities such as jogging, running, walking and jumping jacks. Additionally, ankle weights can help increase fat burning when combined with some strength training exercises such as squats, crunches, lunges and other controlled movements.

How much weight can be used?

On average, these devices are available in the 0.5-1 kg category. For best results and quick calorie burning, experts generally recommend using these weights regularly during workouts to increase mobility. Reports also suggest that the weight of these ankles should be increased gradually to avoid the risk of injuries and sprains.

any damage?

Ankle weights work best when done with controlled movements. They are usually used by people who are comfortable working. If you are new to exercise, or are not a regular, it can be risky to use ankle weights without the advice of an expert or trainer. It’s also important to make sure you don’t overdo the routine, which can re-strain or tire your muscles. Weight can be increased gradually, however, do not allow the weight to exceed 3% of your body weight. Always remember that using such weights incorrectly or carelessly can cause more harm than good.

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