Mamallapuram sculptures best because of their human quality, say art historians

The diverse architecture of the Pancha Rathas of Mamallapuram forms the basis of temples in the Chola, Nayaka and Vijayanagara periods, according to filmmaker and art historian Benoy K. Behl said while delivering an online lecture on his documentary titled Enchanted Mamallapurampart of which Fabulous India Series, Produced by Doordarshan, Delhi-based India Habitat Center organized a talk and film screening on Saturday as part of its monthly series.

Mr Behl, who has over 58,000 photographs and hundreds of documentaries, said he ranked Mamallapuram sculpture among the best in the state because of their very human quality. Citing the example of the bas-relief of the Descent of the River Ganga, he said that even in such a large relief, the bountiful world of nature could not be forgotten. He also gave an example of how a cow is seen licking her calf while a cowherd is milking it, depicting Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhan mountain.

“Can you imagine how 1,400 years ago, sailors entering the city must have felt watching the boulders being turned into beautiful sculptures!” What stories would they have to tell when they went back home,” he said.

In the documentary, senior archaeologist T. Satyamurthy said that there were several archaeological sites in and around Mamallapuram, from which Roman pottery and coins were found.

Art historian George Mitchell states that Mamallapuram was in fact the beginning of art and architecture in Tamil Nadu. He said that a change from rock art to structural architecture can be seen here.