Man arrested for theft

Police have arrested a person for stealing money and mobile from milk distribution van. District Police Chief (Thiruvananthapuram city) G. Spurgeon Kumar said the Kazhakuttam police arrested 49-year-old Sinaj, a resident of Alappuzha, who was staying at a lodge in Beampalli.

This incident happened on 1 April. Sinaj allegedly stole Rs 19,300 – money collected from the sale of milk – and a mobile phone from the goods van of Nanjurkonam resident Shajahan, who parked the vehicle at Anandeshwaram Junction and went to deliver milk. Shops.

Police said that after the theft, Sinaj fled on a motorcycle. The police traced his motorcycle after checking the footage of the CCTV camera in the area. After a detailed investigation, Sinaj was arrested by a team led by Kazhakuttam Station House Officer Praveen JS and supervised by Hari CS, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Kazhakuttam Cyber ​​City.

Several cases, including theft, are registered against Sinaj at Kottayam West, Punnapara and Kazhakuttam police stations. He was produced in the court and was taken on remand.