man carrying milk attacked by wild elephant

A 21-year-old man suffered head and leg injuries in a wild elephant attack on Sunday in Kollamogru village of Sulia taluk.

According to reports reached here, Guruprasad (21) was going to a milk dairy in Ednuru with milk on his motorcycle. As he was passing through a road passing through a creek, suddenly Pachyderm came up to him.

Pachyderm pushed the motorcycle and Guruprasad fell from his vehicle. As he rolled into the ditch, the elephant left the spot. A passerby helped take Guruprasad to the government hospital in Sulia. Then, he was shifted to a private hospital in Mangaluru for further treatment.

Deputy Conservator of Forests YK Dinesh Kumar said Guruprasad was out of danger. He said that the department would bear the cost of his treatment.

Mr Kumar said that the stream near the road in Kollamogru is one of the water bodies located on the edge of Kollamogru Reserve Forest, which is often visited by Pachidaram. He denied reports that Guruprasad was dragged for about 100 meters by a wild elephant.

Fisheries, Ports and Inland Transport Minister and Sulia MLA S Angara met Guruprasad’s family members and assured them of government assistance in the treatment of the victim.