Man fined for eating McDonald’s food in Starbucks car parking

We love to visit our favorite food and beverage outlets from time to time. But what if you are fined for eating your favorite food? And, it will be even worse if the fine is much more than the food item you bought. right? A man named Bob Spink, 50, from the UK, has gone through such a situation and we can definitely say that it was not pleasant at all. Mr. Spink with his girlfriend at a McDonald’s drive-thru outlet. And, when he couldn’t find a parking space at the burger chain, he decided to move to a parking area outside Starbucks. Well, that was the wrong turn.

according to a WellsOnline Reportedly, Mr Spink received a letter in which he was issued a £100 (about Rs 9,500) fine for using one of the parking bays outside the international coffee chain. Well, let us tell you that Mr. Spink and his girlfriend were in the area for “just 16 minutes”.

The report states that the McDonald’s meal bought by Mr Spink was bought for just £12 (approximately Rs 1,200). Speaking to the news portal he said, “We only bought an order from McDonald’s for £12 and the car park was full so we parked at Starbucks to eat because there was plenty of space. It was just like legitimate theft. Looks like I haven’t done anything legally wrong.”

Well the matter does not end here. According to the letter, if the fine is paid within 14 days, the fine will be reduced to £60, the report said. And, to avoid the bigger charge, he paid the fine.

“I was amazed by it, we just got here and it’s something you can’t ignore because it only gets worse and raises the fee,” he was quoted as saying.