Man installs silicone wax statue of late wife at home

Mandava Kutumb Rao is enjoying the warmth of his late wife Kashi Annapurna Devi, thanks to a priceless and rare gift that arrived at her doorstep on the night of November 13 last year – a life-size silicone wax statue of Annapurna, to her Gifted by their only daughter Sasya, who lives in America

Annapurna Devi died on 17 July 2020 due to ill health, leaving behind a broken Kutumb Rao, who was struggling to cope with the loss.

Nothing seemed to be enough to fill the void he had left.

“My wife was the light of my life. She was a pillar of support through thick and thin, and I attribute my successful business to her today,” says an emotional Kutumb Rao, looking straight into the wax figure’s eyes. Looking, sat on a huge wooden swing in the first room on the floor of his house near the chuttugunta centre.

Earlier the swing in the living area was his favorite place. Kutumba Rao recalls, “She used to sit on it and watch her favorite TV programmes.

Unable to watch her father sink into depression, Sasya came up with the idea of ​​gifting him a wax statue, which she felt would make him feel a little better.

The idol, draped in a green silk sari and adorned with glittering ornaments, is seen speaking at any moment. “Unlike normal sculptures, these are flexible,” he says, flexing the toes of his hands and toes.

She is into electrical works and flower decoration, but her passion is living with and caring for plants and raising ornamental fishes displayed in every corner of her home in giant aquariums.

Sasya engaged a local sculptor, BVS Prasad, to carve the idol of her mother.

“I got a call from America asking if I can make a silicone wax sculpture. I asked for three months time, but she said it should be within 40 days as she wanted to gift this to her father on her mother’s birth anniversary on November 14,” recalls Mr. Prasad.

Accepting the challenge, he and his team worked non-stop to carve out the data and deliver it on time.

“We first made the clay mold and after their approval, we made a fiber wax silicone sculpture,” he says.

The room where the idol is kept is treated like a temple. In the ground floor, a garland picture with fresh fruits placed in front is prominently placed.

“Mango and custard apple were her favorite fruits and hence I make sure that I get them daily. If they are not available locally, I import fruits from neighboring states,” says Kutumba Rao.

The saree on the statue will be changed on 6 February and the jewelery will also be changed. “It is our wedding anniversary. I cannot thank my daughter enough as she has made Annapurna’s presence in the house almost eternal,” says Kutumba Rao.