Man Places “Psychic Wanted” Ad With No Contact Information, Says Real Mediums Will Know

Hoardings have been put up along the busy road.

A billboard advertisement has shocked drivers passing through Fairfield Street in Manchester, United Kingdom. The ad is searching for a psychic, but doesn’t include any contact information — “Psychic Wanted – You Know Where to Apply” — the only text on the billboard. Contact signage company Mandoemedia, which has put in the amount, told Manchester Evening News That a mystery man paid an undisclosed amount for the simple sign and provided minimal details. The outlet further stated in its report that the person told them that a genuine medium would know when, where and how to contact him.

The sign, with a black background and a green triangle, was put up on the side of a busy road on August 18.

“Initially we thought it was a joke but the person explained that they were too serious and wanted to find a real psychic. They felt the best way to do this would be to put a ‘psychic wanted ad without any contact information’ because A good psychic Steve Baxter of explains that he will know when, where and how to contact him. Manchester Evening News,

Mr Baxter further said that the man wanted to find a real psychic, adding that “maybe he was duped by a fake”.

Last month, a woman in New Jersey put up a billboard To congratulate your daughter who has received her doctorate degree.

Kendra Busby was so proud of her daughter that she decided to tell the whole town about her achievement. The proud mother paid $1,250 to rent the billboard, but claimed the effect was priceless.

“You must be my shining star. You were supposed to shine anywhere! I am the proudest mom Bean. I love you Dr. Christine S. Smalls,” the woman said in a Facebook post.

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