Man praised for cleaning Delhi Metro floor by spilling food

Etiquette and manners are associated with food, whether you are eating inside your home, or taking your food out. Do you see people leaving their tables in disarray at a restaurant, or find empty food wrappers in the middle of the street? Sometimes people drop their food by mistake and don’t even bother to pick it up and throw it in the dustbin. These acts leave us in utter disgust, but a young lad is all set to set an example for all. The boy set an example by cleaning up after his food mess without asking anyone else to do so.

A post by one Ashu Singh on LinkedIn shows a boy sweeping the floors of Delhi metro rail When his tiffin box fell from his bag and accidentally spilled the food. The post shows that the boy was taking out his water bottle from the bag but his tiffin box fell on the floor from his bag. The boy dutifully cleaned it all up.
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The caption of the post read, “A young boy sitting with earphones in #DelhiMetro was taking out a water bottle from his bag when his tiffin box fell and all his lunch fell on the floor. The boy dropped a bag Tore it. He took out a page from one of his notebooks and picked up all the food from the floor. Then he took his handkerchief and wiped the floor just as it had been before the spill.”

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linkedin post It has garnered over 60k likes and hundreds of comments appreciating the boy’s efforts. ‘appreciate his civic sense which is missing with most of the people living around us’, ‘this is how a cultural shift can happen.

What are your thoughts on the good work of the boy? Share in the comment section below.

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About Neha GroverThe love of reading awakened his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of a deep set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she’s not pouring her thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on a cup of coffee.