Man sets fire to wife’s lover in Jhansi. Kanpur News – Times of India

Jhansi: Suspicion of infidelity Male On Tuesday, his wife’s lover was set on fire here. The couple was arrested after the brother of the victim, who was fighting for his life at Jhansi Medical College with more than 50% burns, filed an FIR late last night.
As per the description, the victim Arvind Ahirwar (31), a resident of Bhopal, had an affair. Archana for many years, which continued even after the marriage with her Sekhar Who lives here in the old city.
It is being alleged that the two used to meet frequently and had also recently visited Indore. When Shekhar came to know about this, he thought of taking revenge on Arvind. He called Arvind and invited him to come to Jhansi on the pretext of solving some issues with Archana.
When the victim came here on Tuesday, the accused seduced her and took her to a secluded place behind the Muktkashi stage, where Shekhar poured petrol on Arvind and set him on fire. Later he fled from the spot.
Hearing the screams of the victim, some passersby came and helped her by extinguishing the fire. Later the police came and took him to Jhansi Medical College where he is undergoing treatment.
Late night the relatives of the victim reached and lodged an FIR against the accused and his wife. Acting on the complaint, the police have registered a case against Archana and Shekhar in the city Kotwali under sections 307, 326 of the IPC.
According to CO City, Rajesh Kumar SinghBoth the accused have been arrested and sent to jail on Wednesday, while the treatment of the victim is going on.


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