Mandatory wax for medical workers terminated in UK – Times of India

London: UK Health Secretary Sajid Javido abolished a controversial policy of Mandatory Vaccines for the Frontline NHS and social care staff in the UK said on Monday that the regulation was “proportionate” in light of omicron version to be less serious than delta,
An estimated 77,000 NHS unaffiliated patient-facing NHS staff faced sacking in April, which was feared to cripple an already vulnerable healthcare service. Javid told the House of Commons that “I believe it is no longer proportionate to require vaccination as a condition of deployment through statute”.
it comes in the form of thousands Truckers protest in Canada Against the government’s policy of mandatory shots for truck drivers.
In the UK the Royal College of Nursing, the British Medical Association and the trade union Unison opposed mandating vaccines because of the impact on NHS staffing levels, while some NHS staff began legal action demanding a judicial review of the policy.
In the UK, around 20,000 employees have already been fired or laid off due to the mandatory moratorium on social care staff. Now it will be reversed.
