Mangaluru police to set up anti-communal wing to tackle moral policing

Karnataka Home Minister G. Parameshwara addressing a media conference at the police commissioner’s office, in Mangaluru on June 6. 2023.
| Photo Credit: Manjunath H S

Home Minister G. Parameshwara said an anti-communal wing will be set up shortly in Mangaluru Police Commissionerate to look at effectively addressing moral policing, and also other incidents that disturb communal harmony in the region.

Talking to reporters on June 6 after reviewing the work of Mangaluru Police Commissionerate and also Dakshina Kannada, Udupi, Uttara Kannada and Chikkamagaluru district police units, Mr. Parameshwara said restoring peace in the coastal region is the top-most priority of the Karnataka government.

“The new anti-communal wing will be formed by the Mangaluru police commissioner with the available personnel. The primary task of this wing will be to effectively address moral policing incidents. The wing will also look at other incidents that affect peace and harmony,” he said.

Asked whether this initiative will be replicated in other police units in Karnataka, Mr. Parameshwara said, “We are trying it out in Mangaluru. It will be set up in Dakshina Kannada and other district police units, if needed.”

Mr. Parameshwara said, during meetings as part of preparing the manifesto of the Congress party, representatives of several educational institutions and industry bodies expressed the need for restoring peace and harmony in the region. “People are seeing an environment of fear in the region. Police should effectively address moral policing. If it is not done, it will bring a bad name to all,” he said.

On a recent statement of a right-wing leader that moral policing incidents will continue in the region, Mr. Parameshwara said this is noting but provoking citizens to disturb the peace. “There is law to deal with it,” he said. “The police will take stern action, including externment, against those indulging in moral policing and other communal incidents. Officers will be held responsible if stern action is not taken.”

The Home Minister said a proposal will be sent to the State Government for awarding compensation to family members of six persons, including 18-year-old Masood and 22-year-old Mohammed Fazil, who were murdered for communal reasons.

Asked whether government will consider the demand for investigation by National Investigation Agency of these communal murders by invoking provisions of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act as was done with murder of Praveen Netttaru, Mr. Parameshwara said the cases are under trial by courts. . “I will not like to comment anything now. If there is direction by the court in this regard, we will certainly take necessary action,” he said.