Mango Pickle, Onion Pickle & Much More: 5 Quick Pickle Recipes You Must Try

Tasty, tangy and delicious, achaar (achaar) is one of the most favorite accompaniments in India. And why not?! They are super versatile and can go well with anything. Truly, a great accompaniment, Pickle Lentils can impart instant flavor to dishes like rice, pulao, khichdi and even parathas or roti. Pickles, or pickles, come in many forms, for example, mango pickle, lemon pickle, green chilli pickle and much more. Plus, most of these pickle recipes require time to ferment.

but do you know Pickle Can also be made without fermentation? Good! Here we bring you a list of pickle recipes that you can make in a matter of minutes. It takes only 15-20 minutes to prepare them. so what are you waiting for? Let’s start with the list.

Here is a list of 5 quick pickle recipes that you must try at home:

1. Instant Mango Pickle: Our Advice

One of the most popular pickle recipes! This heavenly pickle recipe instantly adds that much-needed zest to any boring meal. wonder how? Click here for the recipe.

2. 3-Ingredient Onion Pickle

Making achaar sounds like a daunting task but trust us, this onion pickle recipe is so easy, quick and requires just 3 ingredients to make. Red Onion, White Vinegar and Salt! That’s all you need! click here.


3. Low-Cal, Oil-Free Pickle Pickle

Now that’s it for the fitness freak! This 2 minute recipe can be easily prepared in your kitchen without any hassle. Once you have prepared the pickle, pour it into a glass jar and enjoy! Click here for the recipe.

4. Ginger Chilli Pickle

Here we bring to you yet another instant ginger chili pickle for all the desi food lovers. To make this you just need four ingredients like lemon juice, ginger, green chili and salt. Click here for the recipe.

5. Green Chilli Fry

Made with green chillies (green chillies) along with some pungent spices, this is a quick pickle recipe. You can also store this green chili spice in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. FHere the recipe ind.


For more easy accompaniment recipes, click here.

For more pickle recipes, click here.

Say no to boring food, add these spices to add shine to the food. Tell us which one turned out to be your favorite in the comments section below. Stay tuned for more such articles!