Manish Tewari: Omnipresent but invisible gorilla in the lead room

In conversation with Kaushik Deka, former Union Minister Manish Tewari explained why Congress should rebuild its ideological and organizational structure. Excerpts:

In conversation with Kaushik Deka, former Union Minister Manish Tewari explained why Congress should rebuild its ideological and organizational structure. Excerpts:

Why. Why has the Congress not tasted national or state electoral success in the last eight years?

This is why contemplation and brainstorming are necessary. The collective energy of the leadership was drained by the UPA being in power for 10 years between 2004 and 2014. The organization did not get enough attention, especially from ministers in the UPA government. Much of the organizational flaw seen from 1991 to 2004 could have been rectified if there had been a better coordination between the Congress elements in the government and the party. Furthermore, the generational change initiated in the highest echelons of leadership since 2011 has never been successful. A fair, transparent and credible electoral process needs to be adopted. Those who can fight the BJP juggernaut 24X7 and have spent 30-40 years in the service of the organization, they need to come forward. There is a need to restrict the importation of people from other parties and their establishment in leadership positions.

Why. Congress has failed to come up with a clear narrative. Sometimes, it promises financial inclusion with justice; At times, it promotes soft Hindutva.

Every organization needs five fundamentals that are mobile but work in unison to ensure electoral and national relevance: ideology, narrative, organisation, access to resources and leadership. These five are a challenge in the case of Congress today.

“There needs to be a fair, transparent and credible electoral process itself. Those who can fight against BJP’s juggernaut 24X7, they need to come forward.

Why. Even though the Congress is accused of favoring minorities or Muslims, even Muslim votes have left the party. Why?

This is the real tragedy of the last eight years. Unfortunately, everything has been reduced to a Hindu-Muslim binary. The ruling system believes that they will remain in power by constantly alienating the other and relentlessly burning religious polarization. This short-sighted politics will tear this country apart. It is a myth that Congress favors one community and causes harm to another. However, if we deny that our adversaries have been successful in making this assumption, we will be deceiving ourselves. The Congress must remain true to its idea of ​​India, that is, every Indian, irrespective of religion, caste, region and any disability, is an equal stakeholder in the Republic of India.

Why. Why has the Congress failed to strengthen its grassroots organizational structure so that it can take its message to the ground?

Congress has office-bearers, but it does not sum up the essence of a political organization. An organization is something more than a couple at different levels, with an adjective attached to their noun.

Why. Do you think the Congress has failed to present a leader to counter the popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi?

Leadership is an important question for 2024. It’s a 600-pound omnipresent but invisible gorilla in the room. This is the biggest puzzle for the opposition individually and jointly. The presidential elections in July 2022 provide a platform for the opposition to field a joint candidate who could possibly be the prime ministerial candidate in 2024. The pre-requisite is that the opposition should focus on a senior political figure who is then acceptable to all. , Eventually, Narendra Modi emerged as a prime ministerial challenger in Goa in May 2013. If the opposition fails to agree on a joint candidate in the presidential election, it still has one year to complete its task.

Why. Is Congress isolating regional parties because of the ambitions of their leaders or because of the arrogance of its own leadership?

Opposition leaders must answer a fundamental question – what are they fighting for? To save the loaves and fish of India’s constitutional idea or office? Once they find the answer, the rest must find a place. Of course, the Congress must be prepared to show flexibility and leniency on the issue of leadership.

Why. Several young Congress leaders have resigned in the last two years.

It is a combination of two factors. The first is ideological dilution. As the glue for a clear philosophical base had been in place over the years, Congress became a tool to bring some people into public office. When the young elements, who had little or non-existent ideological commitment except for the idea of ​​power, realized that their ambitions could not be fulfilled in the short term, they stopped their horses in separate wagons. The second is the fall of hope. When hope is lost, despair sets in and an ‘everybody for himself’ syndrome takes root. The same thing frightened the young elements who had left the Congress. He could not fill his stomach for a long time. Would it be fair to make a value judgment on their choice? I don’t know, seeing as how things have turned out. n