many ways

Recently, when I had a sore throat, everyone advised simple home remedies, knowing that I am against taking any allopathic medicine.

The first thing to do was to gargle with warm salt water early in the morning and late at night.

I followed that advice with enthusiasm and energy.

But the other day, along with the morning paper, I received a notice from my neighbor-cum-lawyer threatening to sue me for public nuisance. I became very alert and stopped laughing out loud.

The next suggestion was to consume warm milk with turmeric and black pepper before going to bed, which led me to a new discovery about my body – the combination caused severe irritation in my esophagus. My Ayurvedic doctor said I am one in a million, but that didn’t excite me.

Our domestic colleague suggested that I should put a piece of ginger soaked in honey and put it inside my mouth, so that the juice mixes with saliva and enters the digestive system.

The feeling was so soothing that I fell asleep and almost choked.

My pharmacist, based on his experience, strongly recommended and handed over a pouch containing an ayurvedic powder believed to contain 26 herbs. As he was handing it over, he developed a cough. I forgave myself.

Another neighbor generously gave an open bottle of syrup, after consuming which caused severe dizziness. My wife checked and found that its expiry date was long past.

A search in the net for home remedies mentions chewing garlic. I did that, which increased the distance with my spouse.

A friend recommended pure brandy without any additives (not mixed with water or soda). But he seemed to have forgotten that I had given up drinking many times before.

Then, in a video call with my son, as I was groaning about my damaged vocal cord and the failure of all treatments, my 11-year-old granddaughter appeared on the screen and offered stern advice, and immediately ended the call.

In four days my throat got better.

I followed his advice, “Stop talking until your throat is completely healed.”