Marriage Provides Health Benefits – And Here’s Why

Marriage also provides partners with a sense of belonging and fewer feelings of loneliness.

The new year is traditionally a time when many people feel a renewed commitment to creating healthier habits, such as: exercising regularlyDrinking more water or eating more healthfully.

It turns out that when it comes to health, married people have an edge, especially married men. But of course the act of walking down the aisle doesn’t provide these health benefits.

So what’s really going on?

As a team, we study how relationships affect health. is one of us nursing professor Which studies how social support affects health behaviours. is one social health psychologist which explores how stress affects the relationships and health of couples, and is a social psychologist Researches how relationships influence health behavior change. Together, we examine how partners affect each other’s health by taking gender into the equation.

Health benefits of marriage for men and women

It is important to note that most marriage and health studies have been limited to married men and women. but more recent studies Examining these relationships in partners who have the same gender identity, same biological sex and those who are gender diverse.

One theory that seeks to explain the link between marriage and health is self-selection, Simply put, people who are wealthier and healthier than average are not only more likely to marry, but also to find a partner who is wealthier and healthier than average. Men and women in poorer health and wealth than average are less likely Absolutely get married

While this may be part of the story, the marriage partner also provides with a sense of belongingMore opportunities for social connection and less feeling of loneliness. this social integrationor the extent to which people participate in social relationships and activities can greatly affect health – from reducing the risk of high blood pressure And heart disease To reduce the risk of death either suicidal,

Another important connection between marriage and health involves the body’s inflammatory process. research link loneliness and lack of close relationships With inflammation, or the body’s way of reacting to illness, injury, or disease. Although inflammation is required for healing, chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, arthritis, cancer And autoimmune diseases, While unmarried adults undoubtedly have very meaningful close relationships as well, a healthy marriage by nature provides more opportunities for closeness and socialization, Supporting the link between marriage and inflammation,

When you dig deeper, gender seems to play a role too. a study related to Marital quality, gender and inflammation An association was found between lower levels of spousal support and higher levels of inflammation for women, but not for men. In another study, if couples use negative communication patterns, such as one partner making demands while the other withdraws, Women but not men experienced increased inflammation,

marriage and longevity

Married men and married women live, on average, two years more than their unmarried counterparts, There’s a Reason for This Longevity Benefit The influence of marital partners on healthy behavior, Study after study shows that married people Eat better and be less likely to smoke and drink excessively, All of these healthy behaviors help explain why married people live longer. However, men who marry women see Extra longevity advantage compared to women married to menFor many possible reasons.

For example, female husbands may be looking for their male partner, reinforce healthy behavior and providing more opportunities for healthy choices. On the other hand, married men are less likely to try to impress Health behavior of their wives.

women do take the lead in promoting healthy behavior, benefiting their husbands. Data shows that men and women in same-sex relationships tend to engage in teamwork To promote mutually positive health behaviors. In addition, there are married men and women more likely to want to change their partners’ health behaviors, Such as exercise, especially if the spouse’s habits are worse than his own. These findings suggest that the gender of both the individual and the partner matter.

relationship quality Health can also affect behavior. For example, in terms of exercise, both men and women reported higher levels of marital support. were more likely to walk for exercise, However, as older men, the relationship between marital support and walking became stronger for themBut this was not true for married women.

cultural norms and care

To further understand how men’s health benefits from their wives, consider cultural norms that foster expectations that women will be primary caretaker in committed relationships,

Middle-aged people, and especially women, have also been described as “sandwich generation,” because they are often “sandwiched” between the care of growing children and aging parents. The caregiver may take a toll on the immune system and one’s overall health, moreover, invisible labor related to child care and household duties, which often fall disproportionately to women, may leave women with less time for self-care, like being physically active,

Women also take on more responsibilities in terms of coordinating doctors’ appointments and promoting adherence to medical advice for their husbands than for husbands. Although, Men often spend their time caring When their wives are ill.

Of course, not all marriages are created equal

relationship quality And relationship conflict They also play an important role when it comes to marriage and health. Gender socialization and power differentials often lead to the thinking of women and cares more about their relationships than menThereby, women take on the primary responsibility for managing relationship issues, while men bear less of the burden.

Research shows that women are also more likely their identity is based on their relationshipsand so when they experience marital conflict or other relationship issues, they tend to experience more negative emotional and physical health effect compared to men. This may include an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, inflammation And heart disease,

Does this mean that all men must marry to protect their health or that unmarried people cannot enjoy the health benefits of saying “I do”?

not at all. Of course, single people can enjoy good health and longevity. make and maintaining strong social ties And connect with one’s community Too far to go when it comes to health. In addition, making the best lifestyle choices, seeking preventive health care, and reducing stress can help everyone live a long, healthy life.conversation

libby richardsAssociate Professor of Nursing, Purdue University, Melissa FranksAssociate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue UniversityAnd rosie shroutAssistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University

This article is republished from conversation Under Creative Commons Licence. read the original article,

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