“Marsupial Martial Arts”: Hand-to-Hand Combat of Kangaroos Wins the Internet

The video was shot at the San Antonio Zoo in Texas.

A video of two kangaroos fighting each other in their enclosure at the San Antonio Zoo in Texas is gaining momentum on social media. The fight is filmed by Zoo President and CEO Tim Morrow, who called it marsupial martial arts, a wordplay on the popular fighting sport, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

“Who wants something? MMA (Marsupial Martial Arts),,” Mr. Morrow said in his tweet, which was picked up by several news organizations, including Storyful.

In this 31-second video, two kangaroos are shown fighting with each other. The only thing missing are gloves.

The two “fighters” are also seen kicking each other, balancing their bodies on their tails.

As the video ends, one kangaroo is seen running while the other is following him.

The kangaroos seen in the official emblem of Sutralia are known to take fights seriously. Several people have in the past posted videos of animals participating in a unique event called boxing.

Their tails are extremely strong and muscular, and can hold their entire weight – allowing kangaroos to use their long and powerful hind legs in fights.

Young kangaroos regularly have a way of learning important skills to be used in actual fights that take place later in life. It is also planted by kangaroo mothers to prepare joeys for life as adults.

Last month, a video from Australia showed a kangaroo using his skills to attack a man in New South Wales. The man was seen running around in the neighbourhood, trying to escape from the mad animal.

The man also tried to stop the kangaroo from the branch of the tree, but the swamp pushed him to the ground and started attacking.

After a few WWE-like antics, the man managed to knock Kangaroo to the ground.

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