Masaba Gupta’s “Recovery Plan” Is The Inspiration We All Need

If you follow Masaba Gupta on social media, you know that the designer is a fitness freak and follows a strict diet. Not only this, Masaba is also an inspiration for many people to follow a healthy and fit lifestyle. However, recently, it seems that she went off her diet due to the shooting of “Masaba Masaba” season two. But as the shoot ends, Masaba is all set to get back to her routine with a “recovery plan”.

(Also read: )

Recently, posting on her Instagram, Masaba shared her recovery plan which included “yoga, ayurvedic cleansing, strength training, 4 bottles of water and ajwain/papaya”. Now, this really sounds like a plan anyone can jump on to get back to a healthy lifestyle! In her story, she also wrote, “Yes, I do make notes on how to recover from 2 months of poor eating, negligible physical activity, and sleep. Plan in advance.” Have a look:

Masaba Gupta’s Instagram Story

If Masaba Gupta’s recovery plan has inspired you to stay healthy, let us tell you that this is not the first time the designer has shared such a list. Earlier, she had invited all the fitness enthusiasts on social media to follow her diet pattern and prepared a to-do list for the same! Masaba listed the changes she intends to make to her daily routine. From going gluten-free to staying hydrated, the simple hacks on her list certainly seemed easy to follow. just have a look


Now, we can’t wait to see how Masaba’s fitness plan pans out. What do you think will be next on his list?!


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