Mass migration shaped the demography of Britain 3000 years ago, suggests study

Mass migration into southern Britain during the Bronze Age shaped half of the genetic ancestry of places such as England and Wales, It shows one discovery. In a collaborative study by the University of York, Harvard Medical School and the University of Vienna, one of the largest DNA analyzes ever was performed. The DNA of about 800 individuals was examined. The study found that between 1300-800BC, a mass movement occurred where people entered areas of southern Britain from communities that researchers believe belonged to present-day France.

The research claims that the genetic structure of a population shows slow but severe changes. This means that the migratory evidence the researchers found was not the result of “violent invasions or a single migratory event,” but through stable events such as trade, intermarriage, and families moving in small groups. “Although we may have once thought that long-distance mobility was limited to a few individuals, such as merchants or small bands of warriors, this new DNA evidence shows that there were considerable numbers of people moving across the entire spectrum of society.” Professor Ian Armitt, lead author of the study, said.

Professor Armit said that the Middle to Late Bronze Age was when contact between communities increased and inter-relationship flourished. The study aligns with the case for Celtic languages ​​in Bronze Age Britain as linguistic change is bound to happen if the population moves. The study also supports further research into the patterns of adaptation along the time and space vectors involved. Study co-author, Prof Ron Pinhasi, said: “Our results suggest that dairy products have been used in qualitatively different ways in Britain from an economic or cultural perspective than they were on the European continent in the Iron Age. “

Research published in Nature reinforces the idea that the Bronze Age was a period of intense communication and movement that later shaped the demography of various places on the European continent.

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