Measuring Progress: National Family Health Survey-5. on the lessons of

Periodic assessment of health and social development indicators is important for any country that is still moving towards achieving ideal standards in the Human Development Index. While NFHS results are generally mixed, with improvements in some areas as well as stagnation and decline in others, this year, radical improvements have been made In maternal and child health, sex ratio and population control. A higher proportion of births are now taking place in institutions than ever before, more babies in the 12-23 months age group have received their vaccinations, and most interestingly, India has achieved a total fertility rate of 2.0, which That figure is further down. 2.2 During NFHS-4, it shows that India has controlled population explosion. Policies, some even coercion, as in the case of the family planning sector, seem to have come to fruition years after they were implemented. While the sex ratio has recorded more females per 1,000 males for the first time, the sex ratio at birth over the past five years still underscores a deeply rooted son preference, which will have to be combated through policy and legislation. . There are other areas, particularly in the case of early childhood nutrition, where marginal profit Waste and serious wastage, in saying, is deemed insufficient, and requires renewed corrective efforts. While the impact of the pandemic may also be noted, the disruption caused by services such as balanced nutrition for children must be acknowledged, while this set of circumstances highlights the need for building resilient and robust systems capable of delivering in the most difficult of situations. Underlines. After measuring blood sugar and high blood pressure in a population for the first time, the NFHS-5 highlights the increased risk from lifestyle diseases.

This comprehensive exercise, covering over six lakh households across the country this year, aims to provide data that will help shape policies in a way that will address gaps, and ensure equitable access to services, especially especially for those with influence on social determinants. Improvement in quality of life. State-level indices are also released to provide comparison, but also to allow states to initiate curriculum reform, or to be inspired by success stories in other areas. Information on marriage and fertility, family planning, education and access to health services is provided by the NFHS, arguably second only to the exhaustive data that is the ten-year population census. States need to treat it as such, and while they may dispute some of the assessments, it is a big idea to recognize it as a matrix to work with to further improve development indicators. Meanwhile, the Center should also not treat this as a mere stocktaking exercise, but use the opportunities by the NFHS to introduce reforms or reassessment of certain policies without being used as a political tool in the federal structure.
