‘Mecca of software talent’: Coinbase plans to hire 1,000 Indians by 2022

India could soon become the tech hub for the global operations of Coinbase, one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges. The company’s senior leadership members are currently in India looking to expand their software team. The Coinbase leadership has offered “inclusivity” and a “remote working ecosystem” as part of an incentive to hire energetic talent from India. According to CEO Brian Armstrong, India has some of the most promising software talent in the world, which his platform plans to explore as much as possible.

What it takes to get the best brains to dive deep into Tier Two and Tier Three cities in India coinbase Looking back, Coinbase India Head and Vice President of Engineering Pankaj Gupta told Gadgets 360. “Remote working is a revolution. You can be sitting anywhere in the world with a decent Internet connection And work with us,” said Gupta.

Gupta said that more Indian women software engineers, who have avoided joining office jobs due to various circumstances, will be empowered to mold their training. web 3Future of Internet.

Last year Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said In terms of percentage of Lok Sabha, there are more Indian female graduates (43 per cent) in science and engineering at the tertiary level than developed countries such as the US (34 per cent), UK (38 per cent), Germany (27 per cent). , and France (32 percent).

Not just women, Coinbase says it encourages Indians of all identities to become members crypto communityTo preach decentralization, freedom and inclusivity for all.

“People consider crypto to be a fair, open and democratic internet. So, in some ways, inclusivity and flexibility lies in the technology itself,” Gupta said. “Regardless of their geographic locations or gender, we operate on equal footing. will maintain pay parity among our team members. You can live with your parents in your hometown, avoid spending money on rent and utilities in larger, more expensive cities, and add to your savings This is the remote work revolution for which Indian talent can do a lot.”

With plans to launch the platform NFT Marketplace and crypto wallet services in the coming months, it is trying to include Indian developers. based in san francisco crypto exchange There are already more than 300 employees in India.

Web 3 and . to trigger discussions around blockchain technologyThe company is looking at ways to provide relevant training and education in India.

“We’ve been here for a long time. Since this industry is so new, our challenge is often that there are so many opportunities to experiment. The more brains, the better. There are a bunch of different, crunchy problems that can lead to need to deal crypto spaceAnd if someone solves them, it will create a ton of value,” Surojit Chatterjee, chief product officer at Coinbase, told Gadgets 360.

Last year, the company said that all its Indian employees would get $1,000 (about Rs 76,000) in crypto when they start. “We hope they will take advantage of this offering to learn about crypto, and use this knowledge to help us build the next generation of products that will serve our customers around the world,” Gupta said in a company statement. will please.” blog post,

Armstrong, who has been touring India for over a week now, has plans to visit Indian colleges to talk about Web 3 and pick up a piece of land.

Indian crypto entrepreneur And startups are also being interviewed by Coinbase to open investments in promising projects like Polygon and Instadap.

Meanwhile, Coinbase found itself in a tight spot in India, hours after the platform integrated the UPI-based crypto buying feature on its app for Indian users. National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), which oversees UPI instant digital payments, said does not recognize Coinbase move.

In response, the crypto exchange has confirmed to operate as per India’s legal framework, while adding that it has trusted payment partners who will help facilitate UPI payments for crypto asset purchases.

Other crypto exchanges like Binance Indian officers are also being appointed to senior level positions.