Meet Harak Singh Rawat of Uttarakhand, the man with tantrums and relentless ambition

Lord Krishna forgave 100 mistakes of his cousin Shishupala, warned him and then took out the Sudarshan Chakra. How the BJP lost its patience in Uttarakhand with its minister Harak Singh Rawat’s tantrums and finally sacking him on Sunday night in the hope of his return to the Congress seems to be a stark parallel to this.

This culminated in a nearly month-long play in Dehradun in which Harak kept throwing his weight here and there and efforts were made from above to pacify him. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami met him over lunch to agree to his demand for a medical college in his constituency, Kotdwar, after he had threatened to quit. Harak prominently occupied the stage during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s public rally on 30 December. But Harak’s tantrums were asking for three tickets for his family, including his daughter-in-law Anukreethy, and holding ‘secret’ meetings with Congress leaders. Delhi got BJP’s goat!

For Hark, the dream of becoming the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand in the BJP seemed remote. The ultra-ambitious politician envisioned his chances when the BJP removed his arch-rival Trivendra Singh Rawat as CM last year. But Harak was not elected, not even for the second time when a junior leader was made chief minister in Pushkar Dhami. It made it clear to Harak that the BJP would always go with a “true-killer” leader from his rank as chief minister, and not an importer like Harak. In fact, Harak has spent the last 32 years of his political career in all parties – starting with the BJP in 1989, to the BSP in 1996 to the Congress in 1998, to the BJP in 2016 and now possibly back to the Congress.

The Congress will also have to quickly forget Harak’s bitter memories if they bring him on board and even give him two to three tickets, as it wants. It was Harak who nearly brought down the Harish Rawat government in Uttarakhand in 2016 by joining the BJP along with nine Congress MLAs. The party could hardly recover from that setback and crashed in the 2017 Uttarakhand elections with a major defeat. Learning from experience, Congress’s top priority in Uttarakhand at present seems to be its ability to win and its move to get top leaders like Yashpal Arya and Harak from the BJP has been behind it.

However, there is expected to be a sense of relief in the BJP at a complete stop at the end of Harak’s endless series of unhappiness, tantrums, complaints and hate speeches for former BJP chief ministers of the state. A BJP leader in Delhi told News18 that Harak is now a matter of concern for the Congress and Harish Rawat and that another CM contender has joined the race in the Congress camp. He said, ‘We are sticking to the one family-one ticket formula. Harak not only wanted a ticket from Landsdowne for his daughter-in-law, but also wanted to change his own seat from Kotdwar to Kedarnath, and then wanted another ticket,” the leader said.

One thing is for sure – the spirit of ambition will not end for Harak, who has been a minister in both the BJP and Congress governments thrice and the Leader of Opposition of the Congress.

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