Meet Vidit Atreya and Sanjeev Baranwal, Meesho founders whose earlier ventures failed

Meesho has shipped orders to over 26,000 pin codes.

CEO Vidit Atre clarified that Meesho is an acronym for ‘My Shop’ or ‘Your Shop’.

IIT Delhi alumni Vidit Atreya and Sanjeev Baranwal founded Meesho, a social commerce platform that has revolutionized the e-commerce sector. A few years after graduation, he began his journey by setting up a hyperlocal, on-demand apparel marketplace. The duo learned an important lesson from the failed startup: Small businesses relied on social media to sell their wares but weren’t using their own websites or listed on Amazon or Flipkart.

To help businesses sell more effectively through social media, Atreya and Baranwal launched Meesho in 2015. He did this after realizing the shortcomings of Facebook and WhatsApp for business. Meesho is an unconventional business model in which sellers create an online marketplace and resellers, mainly housewives, advertise and sell goods within their social networks. To close deals, they link their Facebook profiles to Meesho, conduct WhatsApp conversations with customers and broadcast payment links through messaging apps. Meesho handles the deliveries and earns money by taking commission from the merchants.

The Meesho application, which is available for iOS and Android, allows users to sign up and start their online selling business without spending any money. Meesho has helped many people pursue opportunities and become self-employed. The platform’s 100K+ registered providers have shipped orders to over 26,000 pin codes across over 4,800 locations. Meesho is the leader in e-commerce in India, serving customers in over 4,500 Tier 2 cities and generating profits of over Rs 500 crore.

Founder and CEO, Vidit Atreya explained that Meesho is an acronym for ‘My Shop’ or ‘Your Shop’. More than 13 million entrepreneurs, mostly women, were able to start their own Internet ventures thanks to the social commerce network. Meesho has evolved into a powerful tool for the emancipation of women in India, allowing them to achieve financial independence and supporting the economic development of the country. Millions of entrepreneurs around the world are getting inspired by Meesho’s success story, which is a testament to the power of creativity and persistence.

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