Men are at higher risk of elevated uric acid levels; Know the problems and solutions

Our body produces various chemicals to perform biological functions such as digestion of food, absorption of vitamins and minerals and removal of drugs. When any of these chemicals become excessively produced in the body, the chemical imbalance can lead to health problems and diseases. Uric acid is one of these chemicals produced in the body.

Uric acid is a very helpful chemical, which keeps our urinary system working properly in the body. When the level of uric acid exceeds the permissible level, it can lead to many problems like gout and kidney stones. The level of uric acid in your blood can be determined through a blood test.

According to Dr. Amarendra Pathak, Senior Consultant, Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, uric acid is a waste product that builds up in the liver. After being produced, it passes through the kidneys and is then expelled from the body through urine. When our liver or kidney starts to deteriorate, uric acid starts accumulating in the body. Eating high protein or red meat can also increase uric acid levels.

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The accumulation of uric acid causes severe pain in our joints and can also lead to kidney stones in 5-6% of cases. Uric acid levels can be brought back to normal by taking medicines and following a proper diet.

Dr Amarendra says that the problem of excess uric acid is mostly in men and it has also been scientifically proven. Uric acid levels can rise above the permissible limits in people of any age group. That is why it is important for us to get checked from time to time so that we do not face any kind of unforeseen emergency.

Increased uric acid levels can also lead to gout which is characterized by extreme joint pain and, in severe cases, kidney failure.

If you face any of the symptoms mentioned in the article, do visit a doctor immediately as the problem can be easily treated.

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