Men, are you too busy to go to the parlor? Try This Easy Fruit Facial At Home

Skin care is essential for everyone and many of us visit beauty parlors every month. However, given the high cost and busy schedule, frequent parlor visits are not easy. And that’s why people try different ways to take care of their skin at home. While women use fruit facials, bleaches and cleanings, men find it very difficult.

So let us tell you step by step method for fruit facial at home today. Following this routine at home can also do wonders for men’s skin.

Cleanse Your Face:

To do this, take two spoons of raw milk and apply it well on your face. After about two minutes, wipe the face with the help of cotton and wash the face with water.


You need to scrub the face after washing and wiping the face. Take fresh peels of 2-3 lemons and grind them to make a fine paste. Add half a teaspoon of rose water and a teaspoon of oatmeal to it. Now apply this paste on your face and massage it with light hands in circular motion for 2-3 minutes then wash the face.

face light:

The next step is face lighting. For this, you need to take half a teaspoon of honey, mix a few drops of water in it, apply it on your face and massage it with light hands for five minutes. Wash your face thoroughly.


After this you have to take steam, for which you have to heat water in a pan and inhale steam on your face. After this, lightly press the skin with your fingers so that the blackheads and whiteheads are removed from the open pores.

Fruit Facial, Finally:

The next step in skincare is to do a fruit facial. For this you can use strawberry, papaya or banana as per your choice. Make a paste of strawberries, add cocoa powder and honey to it, apply this paste on the face and massage, then wash the face.

You can also use banana if you want. For this, mash a ripe banana and make a paste by mixing honey, lemon juice and rose water in it. Now massage the face with this paste and then wash it well.

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