Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding): Bleeding during menstruation? Do not see, these could be the reasons

Generally, the duration of periods is from three to five days. If heavy bleeding is happening and bleeding is happening for five to seven days or more, then it can be a problem of menorrhagia. Women who have the problem of excessive bleeding are called menorrhagia, in this there is a lack of blood in the body due to excessive bleeding. In such a situation, the question arises that what should I do if there is excessive bleeding on my period? Let’s know everything about this-

Symptoms of menorrhagia (symptoms of menorrhagia)

One of the biggest symptoms of menorrhagia is that you may have to change your pad several times a day. Many women have to change pads every hour. Often there is also the need to get up at night to change pads. Symptoms include severe pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and bleeding caused by bleeding in addition to putting two pads together.

Why does menorrhagia happen, know its reason (What Causes Menorrhagia?)

It is often seen that menorrhagia can cause many other problems along with intercourse. This can cause a lack of blood in the body, due to which the organs of the body reach oxygen and there can be many problems. Know what are the reasons for this…

Know why heavy bleeding happens, what can be the result. Why is my period so heavy? , menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)

1. Having uterine fibroids (uterine fibroids): Due to heavy bleeding during periods, the amount of fiber in the fiber can also be high. When hormones are added to the body, the layer of fibroids becomes very thick, in which case bleeding starts during periods.

2. Deficiency of Vitamin E (Vitamin E Deficiency): Sometimes due to lack of Vitamin E in the body, there is also a problem of bleeding. Actually, Vitamin E works to control bleeding in the body, if it is deficient in the body then there may be problems of heavy bleeding during periods. That’s why those who have this problem, they are advised to take vitamin E capsules before the period.

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3. The emergence of hormones is also the reason (hormonal disturbances): Sometimes discharge is also caused by the hormones responsible for being produced in the body. During this, the normal lining of the uterus increases due to the high amount of progesterone and secretion, which leads to heavy bleeding.

4. Ovarian Dysfunction: Bleeding can also occur due to any observational problem or condition in the body. For example, when the egg is not released by decision, despite the production of progesterone hormone in the body, it is not released and bleeding starts.

don’t see

Sometimes the heavy bleeding which we ignore knowing it as normal can be the cause of cancer. One reason for heavy bleeding can also be uterine cancer, uterine cancer, uterine cancer. This type of cancer affects the circulatory system in the body which can lead to bleeding.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or a specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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