Mercury Transit 2022: Season is in the food of Mercury transit, for these 4 zodiac signs, 2 important things to come!

Mercury Transit 2022: Mercury transit auspicious for these 4 zodiac signs.

Buddha Transit 2022: According to astrology, every planet is different. The planet Mercury (Buddha planet) has intelligence, speech and business. In order for the jeans to be counted, they succeed. The mind is sharp. To check its weather, the calculation of weather astrology will be done from August 21 in the sign of Mercury, Virgo. Mercury in this position till 25. The effect of this transit of Mercury (Buddha transit effect) on the zodiac signs can be special for 4 zodiac signs. There is potential for Mercury change (Buddha zodiac change) especially in Virgo, Leo, Cancer and Gemini zodiac signs. There is good news there.

this also further


According to astrology, Virgo is Mercury’s sign. Mercury has entered in this sign itself. In such a situation, the transit of Mercury is favorable for Virgo. There can be profit in business. those who improved. Getting benefits in job. Commitment increased. Changes and married life are going to make them happy.


The life of a person with Mercury entering Virgo is happy. Simultaneously functional. Along with the post. You can start a new job. New work is getting success. With luck in the job. is going to be affected by being harmful.

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The transit of Mercury can also be included in this figure for the natives of the zodiac. Support this big brother and friend. Economy successful in business. Simultaneously, reports are also received. These are particularly specialized in the area of ​​writing viruses, dangerous people.


The auspicious effect of Mercury’s transit in Virgo will also be received by Leo. Time of transit is important… This property can be availed. Because of the predominance of asset formation in this time period. Leo zodiac will increase in fame and fame.

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