Meta fires employee 30 weeks pregnant; check what happened next

New Delhi: Tech giants like Google, Meta and Amazon have laid off thousands of workers in the past few months. And there are many accounts on social media from individuals who were affected by the current round of layoffs. Now, being let go from a job is usually a very difficult time for everyone.

However, if you’re expecting a baby and have other obligations, the news of your layoff may be significantly more upsetting. Similar situations happened with a former Meta employee who shared her layoff story on LinkedIn and how she was fired from the company at 30 weeks pregnant. ,Also Read: SBI FD Vs Post Office Fixed Deposit: Which One Should You Choose?,

The woman kept coming for job interviews until a week before the birth of her first child because she was in dire need of a job. ,ALSO READ: Cognizant CEO Brian Humphries sacked: Check out the list of 10 CEOs of IT giants,

According to her LinkedIn page, Marnie Thao Nguyen was employed by Meta through 2021 and was let go in 2023. She found out about the layoffs while on maternity leave.

She could not afford to lose her job at the time, however, as she was on an H1B visa and had a family to support. As a result, she began job hunting as soon as she learned she was being fired and attended interviews until a week before giving birth.

A week after her baby was born, she continued to look for work while still coping with the challenges of being a new mother.

According to the former Meta executive’s LinkedIn profile, “I was fired by Meta along with my entire staff at 30 weeks pregnant with my first child. I was doing well and loving my career, so this The news really caught me off guard.

As I prepared to welcome my daughter, the next ten weeks were going to be the most exciting and priceless. Instead, I spent my days and nights looking for a job, focused on maintaining my employment status as an immigrant worker, taking care of my health, and learning about being a new mom.

I didn’t have that much time because I am an H1B worker. I pushed myself to interview up to a week before I gave birth because I had a growing family that depended on me, only to withdraw offers due to rapidly changing business needs in IT.

A week after giving birth I resumed my job search and interviewing, all the while caring for my newborn and recovering from childbirth.

She added, “Today, as my baby turns 3 months old, I am proud to make my debut with Cisco and be a working mother. I can’t wait to start my next term.” I am joining a group of knowledgeable and skilled colleagues who have already demonstrated empathy, trust, confidence and integrity during this challenging process.

I look forward to starting this new chapter in my life with a group and organization that values ​​and supports its people.