Meta’s new tool will let women anonymously flag non-consensual sexual images

Meta, formerly Facebook, has involved itself on a women’s safety initiative that seeks to flag and automatically remove non-consensual intimate images (NCII) of women from the platform. Karuna Nain, Director of Global Safety Policy at Meta, announced that the platform is now a part of – an international channel run by the UK-based Revenge Porn Helpline.

The tool allows women to make a case based on images they feel violate their privacy, and were published without their consent. Once a case is created, generates an anonymous hash, or a unique digital identifier, based on the image being flagged by the user.

Based on this hashed digital data, the tool scans for matches on partner platforms (of which Meta is now one), and if any matches are found, automatically removes them from public access. claims to have a 90 percent eviction rate so far based on cases generated by women on it, and has removed over 2 lakh individual NCIIs since 2015.

Meta’s Nan confirmed that the company has partnered with organizations such as Social Media Matters, the Center for Social Research and the Red Dot Foundation to promote the venture to add women’s safety to the platform. The initiative comes after Meta announced in November that it had identified approximately 15 out of 10,000 content related to bullying and harassment on the platform. It also claims to have ‘actively’ removed around 60 percent of such content.

META also expanded its Women Safety Hub in India and is now available in 12 Indian languages. The move would offer non-English speaking women on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to find resources for support by searching in local languages ​​– which may be more familiar.

META announced Bishakha Dutta, executive editor of Point of View, and Jyoti Vadehra, head of communications at the Center for Social Research, as the first Indian members of its global women’s safety expert advisory group. The latter is a 14-member panel engaged in creating policies and products to better support women.

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