Microsoft ends support for Internet Explorer in Windows 10

San Francisco: Tech giant Microsoft will no longer support Internet Explorer (IE) in Windows 10, as announced earlier.

According to Engadget, users will still receive IE 11 support if they are using Windows Server 2022 Or older OS releases with longer service extensions, but this marks the effective end of software updates for most people.

Windows 11 does not include one Internet Explorer Desktop Appstated in the report.

The Edge browser’s IE mode will still have support for 2029 or later, so users won’t be stuck if they need compatibility with older web engines.

According to the report, the company will “progressively” redirect users from IE to Edge over the next few months, and permanently disable the older software via Windows Update.

Last year, Microsoft announced that it would be discontinuing its iconic Internet Explorer browser in June 2022, as it envisions the future of Internet Explorer, which was launched on Windows 10 in 1995 in Microsoft Edge.

Over the past year, Microsoft has been moving away from Internet Explorer support, such as the announcement of the end of IE support by Microsoft 365 Online Services.