“Microsoft is not in control of OpenAI,” says CEO Satya Nadella. what happened here

In a recent interview, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella refuted Elon Musk’s claim that Microsoft had control over OpenAI because of its significant investment. Nadella denied Musk’s claim, emphasizing that Microsoft does not have control over the startup. Furthermore, Nadella expressed confidence that smaller companies have a fair chance to compete with industry giants such as Microsoft and Google.

unlike Elon Musk, who retreated OpenAI Several years ago and has expressed concern about the ethical implications of AI development, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that OpenAI’s board is responsible for directing the company’s course. Nadella’s remarks underscored the independence of OpenAI’s decision-making processes and highlighted differing perspectives on the pace of AI advancement within the industry.

“OpenAI is too important in its mission to be governed by a non-profit board. We have a non-controlling interest in it, we have a large business partnership in it,” Nadella said.

According to Nadella, the prospects for smaller companies entering the AI ​​sector will hinge on their ability to achieve an appropriate product-market fit. He stressed that Microsoft and Google may not be the only major players in this area, indicating that other companies can flourish as well. Nadella cited the search industry as an example, where AI has introduced new competition despite Google being strong in the market.

“Who would have thought? Last year if you were sitting here and someone said to you, ‘Well, you know what, there would be real competition around search and people could actually even dream that an alternative to Google is,'” Nadella said, citing Bing and. chatgpt As growing competitors.

“There are a lot of other people who have entered the search market. To me that should be celebrated,” he said.

Meanwhile, Twitter owner Elon Musk has said he will continue to voice his political opinions, even if it means losing more money. In a conversation with CNBC, Musk was asked why he publicly shares his political views when the stakeholders in his company are the likes of advertisers. Twitter They may not agree with their views and open them to criticism.

(with inputs from Bloomberg)

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