Military agreement between US, UK and Australia to focus on hypersonic missiles

Sydney A military partnership between the US, Britain and Australia will be expanded to focus on the development of hypersonic missiles, amid concerns that the US and its allies are lagging behind potential rivals, including China, in testing such weapons.

Hypersonic missiles fly at more than five times the speed of sound and can be maneuvered before hitting a target. They are more difficult to detect on radar than existing missiles, which gives an edge to any force that takes an opponent by surprise.

Officials in the US, UK and Australia said on Wednesday they would focus on both hypersonic missiles and counter-hypersonic capabilities after meeting to discuss progress in implementing their new three-way alliance, called Aukas. do. The agreement, announced last year, aims to provide nuclear-powered submarines and develop underwater capabilities, quantum technologies and artificial intelligence for Australia in the coming decades.

AUKUS countries said on Wednesday they would look into electronic-warfare capabilities, noting that the electromagnetic spectrum is increasingly being contested and they want to enable their forces to operate in contested and degraded environments. He said they would expand information sharing and deepen cooperation on defense innovation.

The countries said in a joint leader-level statement, “We reaffirmed our commitment to AUKUS and a free and open Indo-Pacific. We reiterated our unwavering commitment to an international system that is free from coercion, the rule of law and human rights.” Peaceful settlement of disputes.”

The AUKUS agreement is a key part of the US strategy for the Indo-Pacific, where it is building a network of alliances that can serve as a counterweight to China. Australia is an important US ally in the region and is a member of the Quad Group of countries, a separate partnership that includes the US, Japan, India and Australia.

Defense experts say that guided long-range strike capabilities are critical to success in modern warfare because they are more efficient at hitting specific targets. US officials have previously said that developing a hypersonic missile is a priority.

Australia is investing in its overall missile capabilities, and on Tuesday said it would partner with US defense companies Raytheon Technologies Corp and Lockheed Martin Corp to help build the missiles domestically. Australia also said it would accelerate the deployment of new missiles for its air force and navy.

According to some defense experts, China has long-range strike capabilities and those capabilities are likely to improve in the future. According to a former US official, China has already conducted hundreds of hypersonic ballistic missile tests.

Hypersonic missiles can be ballistic or cruise missiles. Hypersonic ballistic missiles, which fly along a curved arc like other ballistic missiles, can begin their descent at low altitudes, allowing them to evade radar. As it begins its descent, the end carrying the warhead is driven back to the ground at hypersonic speed. The tip is called a glide vehicle because it does not have its own power.

A hypersonic cruise missile flies on a flatter course and operates throughout its flight, although the speed requires more advanced propulsion technology. Most common types of cruise missiles currently travel at speeds less than hypersonic speeds.

Russia is developing ballistic and cruise hypersonic missiles, and North Korea says it has tested a hypersonic missile. The US has several programs to develop hypersonic glide vehicles and hypersonic cruise missiles, but last year had two failed tests of a hypersonic glide vehicle.

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