Min directed Muda, MCC to form a joint task force. Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysuru: In a move to ensure better coordination between Mysore Municipal Corporation and Mysore Urban Development Authority During the monsoon season, Urban Development Minister BA Basavaraju on Friday directed the commissioners of the two urban bodies to constitute a task force.
The task force will respond to the SOS of residents hit by rain, whether it is blockage of drains, flooding of water or trees and uprooting of electric poles. The panel will work 24X7.
Minister reviews various development projects in the city with top city officials mcc And folded And asked both the municipal bodies to coordinate and help the needy people. The task force will have employees from both the urban bodies. He asked the MCC to clean the drains of the drains in the city.
Basavaraju asked the MCC and Muda to focus on cleanliness in the city, which, he said, would help Mysore achieve the prestigious clean city status. MCC officials informed the minister that they have made space for building rest houses for civic workers and hosting health camps for pourkarmikas.
MCC Commissioner Laxmikanth Reddy Said that MCC has seen an increase in its revenue. Against the revenue of Rs 120 crore from various sources, it has increased to Rs 162 crore. He said the civic body was focusing on improving revenue by recovering water arrears. According to him, there are 40 thousand illegal water connections in the city, which are being regularized by installing water meters to improve the revenue.
MoU commissioner GT Dinesh Kumar said civic works worth Rs 107 crore have been approved for building and upgrading infrastructure in the city. He said that the process of submitting a proposal to build a Peripheral Ring Road (PRR) is underway.
No Bruhat Mysuru Palike
The minister said the government was not contemplating to increase the limits of the Mysuru Municipal Corporation by including civic bodies on the outskirts of the city to create a larger Mysore. Metropolitan Municipality, He said he was not aware of it and said he would look into the proposal.
Basavaraju said that the government would transfer the employees attached to the municipal corporations in the state. They have sought the list of employees working in corporations including MCC for more than five years.

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