minority suffers

Listen to the views of minorities. , Photo Credit: Getty Images

WE live in a democratic system. Majority wins. It stands for the voice of the people. Ironically, it can be very soul crushing in a person’s day to day life.

Imagine walking into a restaurant with a bus full of fellow travelers. Most order for the special of the day, but one or two would like to try something else. Or, picture this scenario: Some of you want to save money to buy an expensive gift for the wedding, but your good idea takes a beating while most people decide. Then there are those times when your friends or co-workers decide to follow the color or dress code for a party while you want to wear that beautiful dress that is waiting in your closet for that special occasion. Your idea of ​​moving out, relaxing or being outdoors may differ from the popular choice. The list could go on.

Most of the times, the people belonging to the minority minority do not even get a chance to express their opinion on these matters. Even if they find themselves in a more sociable environment, it is quite likely that they avoid expressing their thoughts simply because of hesitation. They decide to go with the flow. Some of them may be fearful of the idea of ​​being perceived as antagonistic, harsh or presumptuous and so keep their lips shut. Some of them make a little noise and either join or leave the group.

Then there are other frustrating examples of a serious nature where the majority wins. When a house is burgled by petty thieves, it goes unnoticed. When some people living near open drains get malaria, it is feared. The corporation will resort to pest control only when half the city is suffering from fever. A person who sprains his ankle when he hits a pothole is told to be careful. Nothing is done until it turns into a small pothole and a minibus overturns. No one cares if debris or rubbish is thrown on the side of the road; Though it will attract attention when it grows in the middle of the road and starts blocking the traffic. If an employee is unable to complete his work during working hours, he is considered slow or inefficient. Conversely, if the entire team feels at risk of missing a deadline, they may complain of being overworked.

Sporadic incidents of crime, accidents and molestation, which require prompt action and appropriate treatment, are dealt with complacency, as the majority are not complaining. Children and young adults are encouraged to follow the beaten path because it is considered safe. People avoid trying something new or taking risks because they see that there have been very few takers for the project in the past. We often see personal preferences, innovative ideas and creative concepts nipped in the bud simply because we are members of a small minority!

The majority always wins for all the wrong reasons. It is high time that we put a premium on the nature of the subject we are dealing with before making it an issue of majority.
