Mithun’s relationship with his life partner – Times of India

Ganesha say since Gemini Being a mutable air sign, their feelings regarding marriage and relationship can be quite different later on. They have a complex cognitive ability to assess each event and person on their own, thus when it comes to marriage, they tend to consider things completely. Gemini wants a partner who will constantly push them, give them a sense of independence, and have a lot of fun. If they believe that they are compatible with their spouse in more than one aspect and will honor that vow, they will happily make a life commitment.
Geminis Has a fiery, inquisitive and emotional personality; Hence, they are constantly curious to know more about their partner. While the differences between Geminis and their partners can be dramatic, they are not known to hold grudges or take things personally for long. With their partner, Geminis will be highly tolerant and adaptable.
Partnering a Gemini’s wedding with your partner will be a pleasurable, stress-free undertaking that is always balanced in all aspects of life. Gemini’s sense of excitement and unpredictability is generally liked by their partner.
Gemini’s reluctance to reveal deep feelings can leave their partner feeling low-revenge, but the empathy the Gemini provides will make up for it.
Geminis are highly sensitive individuals who are easily influenced by any advice. This causes delay in many important activities, the most important of which is marriage. In general, Geminis are true to their marriage partnership, as are their inclinations.