Modi: PM Modi resists pressure of 2050 net-zero goal, commits to 2070 India News – Times of India

Glasgow: India on Monday committed with the Prime Minister to become a ‘carbon neutral’ country through a ‘net zero’ target by 2070. Narendra Modi Announcing this key goal at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) and urging world leaders to address the issue of ‘lifestyle change’ as a global movement – world life – by moving away from “mindful consumption” and a careful use of resources Use use.
Targeting developed countries for their unfulfilled promises of raising US$100 billion a year climate finance by 2020, Modi Reminded them of their responsibilities and asked them to raise US$ 1 trillion to support developing countries. He said that the world cannot achieve new goals with the old goals of climate finance.

The announcement of ‘net zero’ was backed by Modi, which outlined how the country would take four key steps – climate actions – to achieve ‘net zero’ through a clear timeline for other regional goals. Although several developed countries including the US, UK and EU countries were pitching in to get India on board to ‘net zero’ by 2050, the country preferred to meet the target by 2070 – China’s biggest 10 years after the polluter. Committed.
India’s other goals include achieving 50% of its total energy needs from renewable energy by 2030, reducing one billion tonnes of carbon equivalent greenhouse gases (GHGs) from its projected emissions for the next nine years, carbon intensity (carbon emissions). emissions per year). unit of GDP) from 2005 levels to 45% by 2030 and increasing the share of renewable energy from 450 GW to 500 GW by 2030.

Reducing one billion tonnes of GHG is significant considering the fact that the country’s overall GHG inventory is currently less than 3 billion tonnes and is projected to be 4.5 billion tonnes in 2030.
Describing the actions including these “five goals” and ‘net zero’ by 2070 as ‘panchamrut’, Modi said it would be India’s contribution to the world in the fight against climate change, and at the same time, the need for prosperous nations to unite. Appealed one trillion US dollars to support developing countries to take adaptation measures.
Modi’s announcement is clearly a remarkable progress on the commitment India made in 2015 in the form of its ‘Nationally Determined Contribution’ (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. This would apparently increase the country’s NDCs from their previous target of 40% of non-fossil fuels in the total energy mix by 2030 from now to 50%; Completely reducing GHG emissions and reducing carbon intensity from 33-35% to 45% by 2030 from 2005 levels.
Raising the issue of ‘lifestyle’, which shows how mindless consumption and extravagant lifestyles of affluent nations are responsible for increasing emissions into the environment, Modi in his speech also underlined how India has done well in the past. And at the same time it has fulfilled its promises made under Paris. Agreement, but many developed countries have failed to do so despite great promises. He said India is the only country among major economies that has delivered on its Paris Promises (NDCs) and is on track to achieve its remaining goals, and appealed to developed countries to do so in terms of climate finance and technology transfer. Of.
He said India’s contribution to mitigating climate change far outweighs its role in emissions. He said that India, which has about 17% of the world’s population, is responsible for only about 5% of the total emissions.
Earlier speaking on the sidelines of the leaders’ summit, Modi said adaptation has not found its importance in the global climate debate and dialogue the way mitigation has.
Citing examples of how extreme weather events associated with climate change have been affecting agriculture and farmers over the years, he said adaptation should become a key pillar of the world’s fight against climate change.
Noting that not giving equal importance to adaptation is “an injustice to developing countries, which are more affected by climate change”, Modi suggested three steps to end such an anomaly.
“First of all, we need to make adaptation an important part of our development policies and projects.NAL ‘Se Jal’ – Tap water for all, ‘Clean’ India‘- Swachh Bharat Mission and’Ujjwala“Clean cooking fuel for all in India has not only provided adaptation benefits to our needy citizens, but also improved their quality of life,” he said, citing examples from India.
Secondly, many traditional communities have enough knowledge to live in harmony with nature, the Prime Minister said. Due importance should be given to these traditional practices in our adaptation policies. This flow of knowledge should also be included in the school curriculum so that it can be passed on to the new generation. Preservation of lifestyle to suit local conditions can also be an important pillar of adaptation. Third, adaptation methods may be local, but backward countries must have global support for them.
He said that India had initiated the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) with the same idea of ​​global support for local adaptation and urged all countries to join the initiative.


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