Modi US visit: PM arrives in Washington to attend Quad Summit, addresses UNGA

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Washington on Wednesday local time for his three-day US visit.

Prime Minister Modi was received by US State Department officials at Joint Base Andrews in Washington DC on his arrival. He was received by India’s Ambassador to the US Taranjit Singh Sandhu along with Defense Attaches including Brigadier Anoop Singhal, Air Commodore Anjan Bhadra and Naval Attache Commodore Nirbhaya Bapna.

During his visit, he will address the United Nations General Assembly and attend the Quad Leaders Summit as well as have a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House.

The Prime Minister visited the US on a recently inducted custom-built Boeing 777 aircraft.

Biden will host PM Modi at the White House on September 24, marking the first personal meeting between the two leaders since Biden took over as US President on January 20. This is the first foreign visit of Prime Minister Modi. Neighborhoods since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ahead of leaving for the US to attend the Quad Leaders Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said his visit would be an opportunity to strengthen strategic partnerships with the United States, Japan and Australia.

“I will be visiting the USA from September 22 to September 25, 2021 at the invitation of His Excellency President Joe Biden of the United States. During my visit, I will review the India-US Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership with President Biden and mutual interest. Let’s exchange views on regional and global issues,” the Prime Minister said in his departure statement.

“I also look forward to meeting Vice President Kamala Harris to explore opportunities for cooperation between our two countries, especially in the field of science and technology,” he said.

According to the statement issued by Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla, PM Modi and President Biden are expected to discuss ways to curb radicalization and combat terrorism.

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