Monkeypox: Roche has developed 3 PCR test kits to detect the virus. 10 points

Swiss multinational healthcare firm Roche has said that the firm, along with its subsidiary TIB Molbiol, has developed three PCR test kits to help scientists detect the monkeypox virus. Roche said in a statement that the tests would help trace the spread and would be available in most countries.

Over the past few days, cases of monkeypox have been reported in several European and North American countries, including the UK, France and the US. With the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovenia reporting their first cases, global health officials have tracked more than 230 suspected and confirmed cases of monkeypox in 19 countries since early May.

A key prevention measure is the ability to quickly identify cases, so isolating close contacts of people who become ill to prevent further spread of the disease.

“Roche has very quickly developed a new suite of tests that detect the monkeypox virus and help follow its epidemiological spread,” said Thomas Schinker, CEO of Roche Diagnostics.

“Diagnostic tools are critical to responding to and ultimately controlling emerging public health challenges as they advance response measures such as tracing efforts and treatment strategies,” Schineker said.

Here’s what we know about PCR test kits, symptoms and treatment

  • Roche said one of the kits only screens for monkeypox, while the other two of them can detect orthopoxvirus, a genus of virus that includes smallpox as well as monkeypox.
  • The first Lightmix Modular Virus Kit detects orthopoxviruses, which include all monkeypox viruses from both West African and Central African forms of the virus (called clades)
  • The second kit is a specific test for detecting only monkeypox virus (West African and Central African clades).
  • The third kit simultaneously detects orthopoxvirus and provides information on whether monkeypox virus is present (West African and Central African clades).
  • The kits use a technique called quantitative PCR (qPCR). To do this, first sample using an established NA extraction method. The assay is then performed on either the LightCycler® 480 II instrument or the Cobas z 480 analyzer.
  • Most monkeypox patients only experience fever, body aches, chills, and fatigue. People with more severe disease may have a rash and sores on the face and hands that can spread to other parts of the body.
  • The monkeypox rash usually starts on the face — sometimes in the mouth — and then the arms and legs, arms and legs, as well as the trunk of the body.
  • WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said close physical contact is needed for monkeypox to spread, adding that rave parties may have facilitated the infection.
  • The World Health Organization has stated that the first generation of smallpox vaccine appears to be up to 85% effective in preventing monkeypox because the two viruses are closely related.
  • Testing kits are available for research use in most countries around the world.

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