Monkeypox: What vaccines, treatments do we have to fight the virus. read here

Over the past few days, cases of monkeypox have been reported in several European and North American countries, including the UK, France and the US. With the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovenia reporting their first cases, global health officials have tracked more than 230 suspected and confirmed cases of monkeypox in 19 countries since early May. The monkeypox variant involved in the current outbreak has a mortality rate of about 1%.

Public health officials are using contact tracing, isolation and targeted vaccination to stop the spread of monkeypox.

Here’s what we know about the current range of vaccines and treatments:


The World Health Organization has stated that the first generation of smallpox vaccine appears to be up to 85% effective in preventing monkeypox because the two viruses are closely related.

Currently, we have two smallpox vaccines available: 1) Jinnios/Imvamune/Ivanex manufactured by Bavarian Nordic and 2) ACAM2000 by Emergent Biosolutions.

Geneos/Imvammune or Imvanex Made by the Danish company Bavarian Nordic, it contains a weakened form of the vaccinia virus that is closely related, but less harmful, than the viruses that cause smallpox and monkeypox. This modified version of vaccinia does not cause disease in humans and cannot reproduce in human cells.

It has received US approval for the prevention of both smallpox and monkeypox. There is EU approval for smallpox, although doctors may prescribe it off-label for monkeypox. Bavarian Nordic said it would likely apply for a label extension to include monkeypox with the European Union’s drug watchdog.

Side effects: Reported side effects include pain and swelling at the injection site as well as headache and fatigue.

ACAM2000: is comparatively Old commentary. It also carries the vaccinia virus, but it is contagious and can replicate in humans. As a result, it can be transmitted from vaccine recipients to uninfected people who have close contact with the vaccination site.

ACAM2000 has US approval for people at high risk for smallpox infection. It does not have the authority of the European Union.

Side effects: In addition to the side effects associated with many vaccines, such as arm pain and fatigue, it also carries a serious warning for a potential range of serious complications, including heart inflammation, blindness, and death.

It is also not designed for use in certain groups of people, such as those with compromised immune systems.

symptoms of monkeypox

Most monkeypox patients only experience fever, body aches, chills, and fatigue. People with more severe disease may have a rash and sores on the face and hands that can spread to other parts of the body.

Most people recover within about two to four weeks without the need for hospitalization, monkeypox can be fatal in 6% of cases and is considered more serious in children.


Patients may receive additional fluids and treatment for secondary bacterial infections. An antiviral agent called tecovirimat – branded as TPOXX and made by SIGA Technologies – has US and EU approval for smallpox, while its European approval also includes monkeypox and smallpox.

Another drug, branded as Tembexa and developed by Chimericks, has received US approval for the treatment of smallpox. It is not clear whether it can help people infected with monkeypox.

Both TPOXX and Tembexa were approved on the basis of studies in animals showing that they are likely to be effective, as they were developed after the eradication of smallpox in humans through mass vaccination.


The WHO classified smallpox as an eradicated disease in 1980, but there have long been concerns that the virus could be used as a bioweapon, allowing countries to stockpile vaccines.

The WHO has 2.4 million doses at its Swiss headquarters in the final years of the eradication program. The agency has also pledged more than 31 million additional doses to donor countries.

US officials say there are more than 1,000 doses of the Bavarian Nordic vaccine in the national stockpile and expect that level to rise sharply in the coming weeks. There are also 100 million doses of ACAM2000 in the country.

Germany has said it had ordered 40,000 doses of the Bavarian Nordic vaccine, ready to vaccinate contacts of cases if needed.

Other countries, including Britain and France, are also offering or recommending vaccines to infected people and those in close contact with health workers.

Bavarian Nordic, which has an annual production capacity of 30 million doses, told Reuters it has approached several countries interested in buying its vaccine, without providing details. A spokesman said it did not need to ramp up production.

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