More Chinese cities ease COVID-19 restrictions after unprecedented protests against tough restrictions

Beijing: More Chinese cities, including Urumqi in the far west, announced an easing of coronavirus restrictions on Sunday as China tries to make its zero-COVID policy more targeted and less onerous after unprecedented protests against the restrictions last weekend .

Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang region and where the protests first began, will reopen malls, markets, restaurants and other places from Monday, officials said.

There were no signs of any significant unrest this weekend, although police were out in force in the Liangmakiao area of ​​Beijing and around Wulumuqi Road in Shanghai, which is named after Urumqi. Both sites had seen protests a week earlier.

Last month’s deadly fire in Urumqi sparked dozens of protests against COVID restrictions in more than 20 cities after some social media users said victims were unable to escape the fire because their apartment building had been cordoned off. The officials denied this.

The protests were an unprecedented display of civil disobedience in mainland China since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012.

In the days since then, several cities have announced an easing of lockdowns, testing requirements and quarantine rules.

Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, who oversees COVID efforts, said last week the virus’s ability to cause disease was weakening – a change in messaging that many health officials around the world have said for more than a year.

People familiar with the matter told Reuters last week that China is set to announce a nationwide easing of testing requirements as well as allowing positive cases and close contacts to self-isolate at home.

rule removed
At the moment, steps to ease restrictions vary across the country.

Authorities said on Sunday that people in Zhengzhou would no longer be required to show COVID test results to take public transport, taxis and visit “public areas”. ,

Karaoke bars, beauty salons, internet cafes and other indoor venues can reopen, but must check a negative COVID test result within 48 hours.

Authorities announced on Sunday that a negative COVID test will no longer be required to take public transport and visit parks in Shanghai from Monday.

Nanning, the capital of the southern region of Guangxi, and Wuhan, the central city where the pandemic began in 2019, both on Sunday scrapped the requirement of a negative COVID test to take the subway.

Guangzhou’s Haizhou district, which faced violent clashes last month, said on Sunday that from now on people without any Covid symptoms are advised not to get tested for the virus, unless they belong to certain groups such as frontline workers or Do not associate with people with red or yellow codes.

Officials in Beijing said on Saturday that registration is no longer required to buy medicines for fever, cough and sore throat. The ban was imposed because authorities believed that people were using the drug to hide COVID infections.

Authorities in various districts in the capital have announced in recent days that people who test positive for the virus can quarantine at home.

Some inconsistencies in the easing of restrictions have angered people, including the requirement of negative COVID tests in some places despite mass testing centers being closed.

Long queues formed at the few remaining testing booths in Beijing and Wuhan.

“Are they stupid or just plain mean?” a social media user asked. “We should not close the COVID testing stations till we get rid of the COVID testing passes.”

Officials said on Sunday that the number of new daily cases had dropped to 31,824 nationwide, which may be due to fewer people being tested. Officials also reported two new COVID deaths.

‘Preparing to exit zero-covid’
Xi’s zero-COVID policy has had a devastating impact on the world’s second-largest economy and global supply chains.

China argues the policy, which has closed its borders to travel, is necessary to save lives and prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed.

Despite the easing of restrictions, many experts said China was unlikely to resume significantly before March, especially given the need for vaccinations among its vast elderly population.

“While there have been some local changes in COVID policies recently, we do not interpret them as China abandoning the zero-COVID policy just yet,” Goldman Sachs said in a note on Sunday.

“Rather, we see them as clear evidence of the Chinese government preparing for the exit, and in the meantime trying to reduce the economic and social costs of COVID control. There are likely to be challenges along the way.” Way.”

Estimates of how many deaths could occur if China were to fully reopen range from 1.3 million to more than 2 million, although some researchers said the death toll could be lower if vaccinations were taken into account. may decline rapidly.

Officials recently announced they would ramp up COVID vaccinations for elderly people, but many are reluctant to get vaccinated.

“Some people have doubts about the safety and effectiveness of the country’s new coronavirus vaccine,” an article in the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily said on Sunday.

“Experts say this perception is wrong,” adding that domestically produced vaccines were safe.

US National Intelligence Director Avril Haines said on Saturday that foreign Covid vaccines are not approved in China and Xi is not inclined to change that.