More than 50 Indian students feared to become ‘modern servants’ in UK, 5 listed identified

Over the past 14 months, more than 50 Indian students have been identified who are feared to be victims of modern slavery and labor exploitation.


The High Commission of India (High Commission of India) has expressed apprehension that more than 50 Indian students may be victims of modern slavery in North Wales Care Homes (Care House) of the United Kingdom. The Indian High Commission in London appealed to such students to contact the mission for help and communication. The Masters and Labor Abuse Verification (GLAA), the UK government’s intelligence and investigative gang agency for labor exploitation, reported earlier this week that it had succeeded in obtaining a court order against 5 wrongdoers of work.

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G Linke said it has identified more than 50 Indian students in the past 14 months who are feared to be victims of modern slavery and labor exploitation. In a tweet, the High Commission said, “We are concerned to read this news. Indians who are facing difficulties, please contact us at We will offer help or advice. We will give you our advice.” Will breach confidentiality in response.”

Five men are suspected of recruiting and exploiting vulnerable Indian students working in care homes in North Wales. They have been given servitude and risk exposure (STO). These 5 people are Mathew Isaac (32), Jinu Cherian (30), Eldhos Cherian (25), Eldhos Kuriachan (25) and Jacob Liju (47). All of them are originally from Kerala. They were arrested between December 2021 and May 2022. The investigation against them is going on.

Zee Listed said it and his wife Jinu Cherian had supplied through registered recruitment agency Alex Care Solutions in May 2021. Three months later, a report by the ‘Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline’ claimed that the Indian recruited by Alexa Care was not being paid properly or his pension had been withheld.

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