More than half of Delhi citizens want weekend curfew to continue: Survey

A survey claims that 54 per cent of Delhi’s people are in favor of lifting the odd-even restrictions in markets but want the weekend curfew to continue till the positivity rate comes down to five per cent.

Delhi had seen a rise in COVID-19 infections, which mainly originated from the Omron variant, but has seen a decline in cases in the last 10 days.

LocalCircle, a digital community-based platform, asked in its survey, “What should be the criteria to remove the existing COVID-related restrictions (weekend and night curfew, odd-even shops in the market, etc) imposed in Delhi? “

In response, 40 per cent said market odd-even restrictions should be eased, but night and weekend curfews should continue till the positivity rate falls to five per cent. Another 18 per cent were of the opinion that restrictions should be relaxed only when the positivity rate falls to five per cent.

Fourteen per cent of the respondents said that they want the administration to lift the restrictions only when the positivity rate is reduced to two per cent, while an equal number of people said that the government should continue with the existing setup till the positivity rate is one Don’t be less than Percent

The survey claimed that the remaining 14 per cent respondents want the government to lift all restrictions immediately.

On an average, 54 per cent of Delhi residents supported the removal of odd-even restrictions in markets.

According to the survey, 72 per cent of the participants wanted the administration to lift the weekend and night curfew only after the test positivity rate reached five per cent.

The survey received 8,661 responses, of which 65 per cent of the respondents were men and the rest were women.

Ahead of the crucial meeting of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Thursday, in which the lifting of restrictions will be discussed, the Chamber of Trade and Industry, an association of traders in Delhi, reached LG House on Wednesday and presented a report. The memorandum states that they have suffered around 70 per cent loss in the last 25 days and requested the Lt Governor to lift all restrictions.

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