morning alarm

Jayam Anantaraman

My mother-in-law was coming. We had a very pleasant day with him; She had many interesting stories to tell about her work as a tax consultant. After dinner we chatted on various matters, usually while enjoying a relaxed evening.

It was time to go to bed. We had a good night and retired. Next thing I knew, I woke up from a deep sleep from the next room, where my mother-in-law was sleeping, to strange sounds. I checked the time: it was 4-30 in the morning. On listening carefully, it felt like a drone was flying, bees were humming – what was it? Then after a few minutes, some intermittent sounds and a fit of coughing. Concerned, I tried to wake my husband, “Hey, wake up! Looks like your mother is having trouble.” But he only turned to the other side and said, “Nothing, it’s nothing, go to sleep.”

The voices kept going and I could not sleep peacefully. I got up and knocked on the mother-in-law’s door. There was no reaction. I courageously opened the door slowly and peeped into the room. The old woman was sitting on her bed, eyes closed, straight, her hands in Chinamudra posture! When I entered the room she was disturbed in her meditation and opened her eyes inquiringly.

I let go of my anxiety. Then she laughed and said, “Hey! Don’t worry! I am meditating and doing yoga in Brahma Muhurta, that is, long before sunrise. I practice pranayama at this time, and this is the secret of my good health in old age.”

I felt relieved and happy and made a mental resolve that I would try to emulate his example in my life as well.