Most Indians want to tax the rich, companies that made profits during Kovid: Survey

New Delhi: A nationwide survey by Fight Inequality Alliance India (FIA India) has revealed that over 80% Indians support tax on the rich and corporations making record profits during the Covid-19 pandemic.

About 84% want the government to impose a 2% Covid-19 surcharge on individuals earning more than 2 crore per annum, while 89.3% want a temporary tax on companies making massive profits during the pandemic.

The survey on common people’s expectations from the government ahead of the Union Budget 2022-23 received 3,231 inputs from 24 states.

In addition, over 90% of the participants called for budget measures to tackle inequality such as universal social protection, the right to health, and an expansion of the budget to prevent gender-based violence, FIA India, NGOs, civil society , a survey conducted by a coalition of environmentalists showed. groups, trade unions and social movements to fight the growing crisis of inequality.

A global study by the Fight Inequality Alliance has revealed that the wealth of Indian billionaires has more than doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic, while 46 million people are projected to fall into extreme poverty in 2020 (nearly half of the new global poor). ). This means that the richest 98 billionaires have the same wealth as the bottom 40% of Indian society.

According to reports, the economic and social disruptions caused by COVID-19 have increased inequalities in India. CMIE estimates that more than 10 million jobs disappeared in the second wave and 97% of households saw their incomes decline. The impact, while devastating overall, has been exceedingly uneven.

According to an Oxfam India report, while the wealth of Indian billionaires has more than doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic, 46 million people are projected to fall into extreme poverty in 2020.

Anjela Taneja, Head, Fight Inequality Alliance India, said, “The Union Budget 2022-23 could potentially provide several measures to fight inequality. The inequalities exacerbated by Covid-19 have triggered a global wave of protests for the rich to be paid their fair share. The Government of India can listen to the people through the budget and make provision for social security, health and welfare.”

While the government should allocate additional funds in the upcoming budget, 94.3% of the survey respondents want the government to provide universal minimum social security to all unorganized workers including health and maternity benefits, accident insurance, life insurance and pension. In case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the percentage increased to 97.9% and 97% respectively.

The survey also highlighted that while 89% of respondents want the government to impose fines on private companies that do not meet environmental norms, 94.4% want the government to implement the right to health.

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