MotoGP in India! First race at Buddha International Circuit in 2023 – Times of India

India will host its first MotoGP race in 2023, marking the return of premier class motorsport events in the country after the departure of Formula 1 nine years ago. The world’s premier two wheeler racing championship will be organized in Buddha International CircuitWhich staged Formula 1 from 2011 to 2013.
Top officials from MotoGP’s commercial rights holder Dorna visited India earlier this month to sign a seven-year MoU with Indian race promoters. Fairstreet Sports (FSS).
Racing at the Buddha International Circuit, south of New Delhi in Uttar Pradesh, will bring the sport to the heart of this major market and make the sport more accessible than ever to fans across the region.

As MotoGP continues to expand, so do Indian Grand Prix Opening the doors of motorcycle racing to all marks an important milestone in the sport’s mission – writing a new chapter in the story of the world’s first motorsport championship and welcoming new audiences and fans from every corner of the world.
Carmelo Azpeleta, CEO of Dorna: “We are very proud to announce that the Buddha International Circuit will be on the 2023 calendar. We have a lot of fans in India and we are excited to be able to bring the sport to the India motorcycle industry. and therefore, by extension, the pinnacle of the two-wheeled world for MotoGP. We look forward to racing at the Buddh International Circuit and welcome fans to see this incredible sport in person. Can’t wait to welcome you.”